Transform Relationships with the Five Agreements

Five Agreements Game – Transform Relationships with a Card Game?
By Brandt Morgan

I glanced around the table.
Everyone was sharing and celebrating: Jokes, belly laughs, hugs, tears-all four players seemed gripped by a powerful spirit of joy and excitement. The table was surrounded by an almost palpable sense of belief and new possibility. I’d seen it before, but I still couldn’t help marveling: How does this happen? How is such dramatic change possible in such a short period of time?
Just an hour ago, Danny was feeling so low he didn’t even want to be here. ‘Share my feelings?’ he’d wondered skeptically. ‘What kind of card game is that?’ Secretly, he wished he was at home watching TV.
It’s possible we all felt a little like Danny at the start. However, all of us were familiar with the Toltec masters, don Miguel and don Jose Ruiz, and their bestselling book, The Five Agreements. The card game we were about to play was based on the transformative power of those agreements-and on the premise that we could improve any relationship in minutes by honestly applying their wisdom. What did we have to lose?
Thus, following the rules of the game, each of us had chosen a relationship and rated it on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being miserable and 10 being fantastic). During a few minutes of silence, we had also chosen one of the following Five Agreements cards to work with:
1) Be impeccable with your word;
2) Don’t take anything personally;
3) Don’t make assumptions;
4) Always do your best; and
5) Be skeptical but learn to listen.

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