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Transform Relationships with the Five Agreements

Transform Relationships with the Five Agreements


By the time they were done with the game, everyone’s relationships had improved more than 50 percent. All with nothing more than a deck of cards, a dash of courage, and a little help from our friends.

Of course, each game is unique and different-as unique as the people who play it. And of course, lasting change depends on action and follow-through. Yet each game is governed by the same magic: the magic of people being willing to look at the truth and let go of the lies they’ve been telling themselves, often for decades.

And naturally, a skeptic might ask, “What evidence do we have that the game is actually transformative?”

Aside from the stories above, my answer is: “Play the game, and you will not only see the evidence; you will be the evidence.” It’s never enough to read about an experience. In the end, only doing it has the ring of truth. Truth be told, we were all feeling a lot more lighthearted after playing the game.

The game we’re referring to is The Five Agreements Game: A Chivalry of Relationships, to be published by Findhorn Press in mid-September. If you are interested in playing it, using it as a therapeutic tool with groups, or even becoming a facilitator, below are links both to and to our new website. This should give you all the information you need to light up your life and make the most from this fun and transformative new tool.

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Justify The Abuser's Behavior

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