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Arianna Huffington: Emerging Women Live

Arianna Huffington: Emerging Women Live

Arianna Huffington: One woman I really admire is Padmasree Warrior. In her previous role as Cisco’s head of engineering, she oversaw twenty-two thousand employees, drawing on her meditation practice to improve her abilities as a manager. Now, as the company’s chief technology officer, she calls meditation “a reboot for your brain and your soul.” She meditates every night, vows to get seven hours of sleep each night and spends her Saturdays doing a digital detox. Most of all, though, there’s my mother – even though she’s no longer here, I learn from her more than anyone. One of her favorite sayings was, “Don’t miss the moment,” which embodied the philosophy of her life.

Chantal Pierrat: How has your sister Agapi contributed to your spiritual transformation and Thrive initiative?

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Arianna Huffington: Agapi holds the title of Number One Lifetime Member in what I call my “fearlessness tribe,” that group of close women friends who will be there for each other no matter what things Thrive…She has always been a natural on all matters spiritual, and has been my guide throughout our lives, sending books and people my way, nudging my spiritual explorations, calling to wake me up at a hotel in Kalamazoo, Michigan, at five in the morning so I could have time to meditate before another grueling book-tour day began! We are a team, and my daughters Christina and Isabella consider her their second mom. We have each other’s backs, but most of all we have each other’s hearts, which I believe is a great component to keep thriving in one’s life.

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