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Arianna Huffington: Emerging Women Live

Arianna Huffington: Emerging Women Live

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Chantal Pierrat: What are some of your favorite quotes from Thrive?

Arianna Huffington: Here are two of my favorites, but there are so many more throughout the book:

And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, ‘This is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!‘”

And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say, “No. This is what’s important.‘” ~Iain Thomas

Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor. -Rumi


I am proud to include Arianna as one of our main keynotes at next week’s Emerging Women Live 2014, and can’t wait to be blown away by her clarity and wisdom once again. For a preview, enjoy our interview below, where we discuss Arianna’s role-models, superpowers, “fearlesness tribe” and more.

See Also
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Join the FREE Livestream of Emerging Women Live in NYC, Oct. 9-12, 2014, featuring Arianna Huffington, Brené Brown, Danielle LaPorte, Zainab Salbi, Gabby Bernstein, Kris Carr and more. Sign up HERE.


About Chantal Pierrat

presenter_chantal_pierratFor over ten years, Chantal Pierrat served as the VP of Sales and Marketing for Sounds True, a multimedia publishing company focused on spirituality, personal growth, and holistic living. In her last year at Sounds True, Chantal spearheaded the successful launch of the Wake Up Festival, Sounds True’s first annual national event with over 25 speakers and 800 attendees. Shortly after, in September 2012, she founded Emerging Women and Emerging Women Live.

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