Astrology Forecast for October 2014

When you look at the astrology forecast for October, there is no time to think. No time to lose. October is a month of action — fiery, impulsive, impassioned, maddening, enlivening and more fast-paced than most of us remember life being.
Leaves may be turning color and dropping in the northern hemisphere, but fall is hardly a season of decay this year. We’re in for breathtaking progress, growth and change. There’s an unexpected streak to the particulars — timing, source, some of the players — but not the targets.
They are the areas of life that have been epicenters of instability since June 2012. As tectonic plates have groaned and shifted, we’ve cycled through a variety of reactions (awareness, grappling with, avoiding, pushing, and tapping our fingers waiting for something to break, finally, please). Circumstances of late December and early spring pushed us to accept the shifts as givens and assimilate them into the fabric of our lives and psyches. And now, it’s time to do something about that, at last.
Four powerful astrological phenomena are stirring a cauldron of creativity that is fueling everyone and everything. The Astrology Forecast for October shows a convergence of a grand trine in fire and two eclipses, all against the backdrop of Mercury retrograde. They are happening in such quick succession that it is pointless to look for their individual influence on any given day. Their combined effect accelerates life force and daring, flashes light into the corners of relationships, burns bridges and reboots how we relate and how we share, in the most intimate, primal and financial ways — while routing us back over recently traveled turf and throwing people and business from the past across our paths.
The grand trine in fire starts the month and ignites the first eclipse, the Aries Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 8th. The trine is a round robin flow of energy from Mars, ruler of our drive, in adventure-loving Sagittarius, to boundless Jupiter in high-drama Leo, to radical change agent Uranus in self-starting Aries. The line-up creates a fast traveling flame that burns quickly and brightly, and grows stronger the longer it burns. Any bodies making this link would generate excitement, enthusiasm, passion and energy. These particular ones up the ante drastically. Mars and Uranus are instigators, while Jupiter eggs on whatever action he’s in. Add to that the fact that Uranus is in Mars’ sign (making the cosmic rebel even more so), while Mars is in Jupiter’s sign (make the cosmic warrior even more so).
People with placements in the mid degrees of fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are igniting with a vengeance. The air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are coming to life as well. Not one? Don’t feel left out. Everyone is being affected. This is high voltage kundalini rising. It’s phoenix-entering-the-fire-and-rising-anew energy. It’s burning desire, anger, incentive like no other, coursing through our beings and propelling us straight into the on-going change imperative.
The fire trine is still raging when the Aries lunar eclipse takes place on the 8th, with the Moon next to Uranus and his mandate for radical, liberating change. This Full Moon brings a cycle full circle from October 1995. It reveals motivations and fierce emotions. It rips pages out of our previous relationship rule books and agreements. It yanks us out of situations that unduly constrain us. Most importantly, it lights a fire of self-actualization in each of us that will burn into the spring. The motivating developments of late December and April no longer happened to us; we are taking them by the horns and reshaping them to our own agenda.
The fire calms a bit (or maybe we’re simply accustomed to it) by the 23rd, when Pluto, the agent of inevitable, inescapable change, demands equal time. The Sun and Venus move into his sign of Scorpio that day, which blossoms into the Scorpio New Moon solar eclipse. This is an evolve-or-die moment. Relationships submerge us into depths of intimacy and resources issues (or utter terror). Some connections will deepen; others will disappear. How we share and how we reciprocate are lava-hot topics. Return on investment will be at the forefront of many a mind, even ones in love.
There is one complication in the Astrology Forecast for October: Amid the flames of passion, the super-human energy bursts, the slamming doors, chapters closing and guillotines coming down on relationships, Mercury goes retrograde. That happens on the same day that Mars fully joins the fire trine and spans the month’s big action, from the 4th to the 25th. Mercury is the ruler of what we think and say and how we get around, and those areas will become tricky and require extra attention during his about face.
Think of the potentials: People leaping impulsively, flying off the handle, and erupting with passion (or anger) in an environment of incomplete, deceptive or misunderstood information, technology malfunctions and traffic jams. Fortunately, that’s not all that is happening. The lunar eclipse is supplying much needed and useful data, and Mercury’s retrograde is reacquainting us with threads and nuances we might have previously missed.
Snafus could work to your benefit. (Ask to be shown how, if you can’t see it.) People could tip their hands, for good or bad. A wrong turn could land you exactly in the place where you need to be. If ghosts reappear, consider whether they fit in your life as it is now (and as it is heading), whether they are offering a chance to clean up lingering business, or whether they are simply showing you how much you have grown. (Read more in my guide How to Handle a Mercury Retrograde.)
Bottom line (a phrase, by the way, you will hear and think often) for the Astrology Forecast for October: You are holding more puzzle pieces than ever. Or building blocks, if you prefer. This is the prolonged moment of putting the pieces together and making something of them. Watch what and who clear out of the way — and you brush out of the way. Matthew Wilder is singing “Ain’t Nothing Gonna Break My Stride.” Know it or not, we’re all singing along.
For more navigational tips, join Kathy’s Fall 2014 Astro-Talk at 8 PM EDT on Tuesday, October 7.
Miss the talk? The Mp3 will be available afterwards. Order here.
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About the Astrologer
Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.