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Congressman Tim Ryan: The Mindful Nation

Congressman Tim Ryan: The Mindful Nation

Congressman Tim Ryan: Um-hmm.

Dr. Deepak Chopra: It was a mantra meditation. Within four days, their telomerase, that’s the enzyme that controls your cellular aging, went up by 40 percent. Then we took the same samples, sent them to investigators at major universities, Harvard, Mount Sinai. The co-author of my book, Super Brain, he’s the head of genetics at Harvard. They looked at the entire genome, and in four days gene expression changes. Inflammation changes at the cellular level. Homeostasis improves, which is self-regulation. The biological markers of aging change. Now, that’s just meditation.

Congressman Tim Ryan_omtimesCongressman Tim Ryan: Um-hmm.

Dr. Deepak Chopra: Add to that a healthy diet, a little bit of exercise every day, healthy relationships and emotions, and you’re actually changing biological age at a cellular level.

Congressman Tim Ryan: Um-hmm.

See Also

Dr. Deepak Chopra: And so, I am very grateful that you are one of the few people there, in Congress, who’s actually taking a leadership role in this. And you have to be prepared for conservatives and extreme, right-wing people going after you.

Congressman Tim Ryan: Like I said, a lot of people don’t really know a lot about it. My confidence comes from, I think, there’s an army of people out in the country who feel exactly how you feel and how I feel, and that are ready to be active and involved in building this movement and getting out of the transactional, fragmented politics into the transformational politics, which I think we’re all longing for. I mean, that’s the deep hunger in the country right now—that we’ve got to able to make this right somehow. And I think once these ideas are presented to most people it resonates with them. Someone told me that about 75 percent of women have used some form of mind-body medicine, or complementary and alternative medicine.

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