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Congressman Tim Ryan: The Mindful Nation

Congressman Tim Ryan: The Mindful Nation

Dr. Deepak Chopra: What about PTSD—patients with PTSD and veterans?

Congressman Tim Ryan: Well, that’s part of the veterans’ bill.

Dr. Deepak Chopra: The bill.

Congressman Tim Ryan: –And there are some great programs out there that are using integrative health, using mindfulness practices. I actually have sat in a couple meditation sessions at the Los Angeles Veterans Administration and the Washington, D.C. Veterans Administration. To hear these vets—a lot of them are Vietnam vets—who have said to me something that really strikes me. They say, “I can’t believe I had to wait 40 years to figure out how to process all of this trauma”.

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OMTimes Media is proud to partner with NEWSWIRE.FM to share the interviews of Deepak Chopra’s One World.

Interview with Deepak Chopra and Congressman Tim Ryan is a courtesy of TV Network One World with Deepak Chopra. To listen to this and many other fascinating interviews by Dr. Chopra, please go to:

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