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Conscious Love

Conscious Love

Conscious Cinema – Conscious Love

Conscious LoveDirected by Ajah-Denise Fambo-Demarteau

In the midst of diverse aspects of humanistic conditions, Conscious Love is a call to action for people everywhere in the world to consciously act with the power of compassion and love to solve personal and group conflicts. In this documentary, the struggles and achievements of different individuals bring to light how the conscious acts of love in thoughts and in deed can make a difference to the relationship we are in and to those around us. Each story is an inspiration for ordinary individuals to become involved more and act with consciousness to resolve personal and or group conflicts and bring hope and peace to oneself and or to those around us. It ultimately invites us to go deeper within our being to connect with Divine Conscious Love.

OMTimes readers can watch Conscious Love tonight on Gaiam TV! Just click the movie picture or visit Conscious Love on Gaiam TV to sign up for a FREE 10-day trail.

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