The Looking Glass

Connect with Gaia Through the Looking Glass
by Jennifer Deisher
Yes, pick me up. I want to See you. That is what she would say to you if you could “hear” her. I’m speaking of our Mother here, of Gaia.
We look and look. Everywhere we look for her. In the trees, the wind, the river, the water, the Heart-shaped clouds, the Sun glinting through the leaves on the mountain, her breath on our skin, her Life inside our bodies. She’s looking for you as you search for her. Pick up the Looking Glass and let her see inside your Soul. She Sees and Feels all that you wish to fall away from you. She Sees you for who you really are and has Compassion for every Heartache and every mistake you think you’ve made along the way. She Sees every ounce of the Beauty you possess…the Beauty you shy away from because you’ve been taught to believe that it comes from the outside-in instead of the other way around. She Sees your Feminine side and wants you to REmember how Beautiful you are and the Light that you carry inside of you. If you pick up the Looking Glass and See your Soul you will be blinded by your Light…she will See to that! “Don’t you See how Amazing you are?” she would say to you.
Our Feminine energies are mellowing you even now. We float softly like a leaf in the River of our Emotions. We bend but never break. We are the Givers of Life and the Keepers of the Heart. We carry Divine Pearls of Wisdom and soft whispers in the night sky. We are Angels of Love and Light. You are so very Loved she would say to you. Why do you not See you how I See you? Why do you not See how Worthy you are of Love and how much I Love you?
We are the translucent rainbow in the sky after the Rain of your grief. We dance and sway to the rhythm of your Heartbeat as it beats with my own. We are the snowflakes glistening in the sun and the blue jays in the sky. We are the flowers and the butterflies. We are the lips in the clouds blowing kisses your way. We are music, laughter, and joy. We are the children who laugh and play on the swing with the children we have born with our wide feminine hips. We were built for this, did you forget? Forgiveness is the words she quietly whispers to your Heart. We are the wives and your muses who ignite the Passion to protect and provide. We have that affect. We can’t help it as our Beauty knows no Limit of time or space. She knows that you are always the very best you can be even if you can’t See it.
Look inside my looking glass. Look at your Soul. See the Divine Dance of Life you have in your possession. REmember me, REmember you. I AM Gaia, your Mother. I AM you and you are me and we are all that is and all that will ever be. We are Life, we are Passion forever ignited, we are Angels each and every ONE.
I want to See YOU, my child…
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About the Author
Jennifer Deisher believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. She founded BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature. For more information, please visit

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