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Margaret Ann Lembo: The “Rock Star”

Margaret Ann Lembo: The “Rock Star”

I encourage everyone to shine their light and guide them to realize their own inner shining star through the use of positive thoughts and gemstones to amplify and remind them of their intentions and goals.

OMTIMES: Have you had contact with angels? Tell us about your experiences?

Margaret Ann Lembo: For as long as I can remember, I’ve always known that angels are my constant companions. As a young girl I felt and saw angels in my inner vision. They surrounded me as I slept and still do. I clearly know that I have an entourage of angels that walk with me everywhere I go. It’s quite comforting. Those with spiritual sight tell me they can see the amazing legion of angels that are with me always.

The evidence of their presence in my life has become quite ordinary for me. Signs, symbols, dreams, synchronicity and a host of other messages through my clairaudient gift provide me with constant realization of their regular companionship. The majority of the formulas for my Aroma-energetic™ essential oil blends and sprays have been given to me by Archangel Michael. It’s wonderful to hear him tell me the ingredients and then I use my 30 years of aromatherapy experience to come up with the exact measurements of each essential oil in the blends.

See Also

OMTIMES: What have you learned from the angels?

Margaret Ann Lembo: Angels have taught me to know that I am always divinely protected. They constantly light my path and show me the truth. The guidance I receive even includes Divine orchestration so my experiences in life – both business and personal – are timed according to the highest good of all concerned. This allows me to relax into life experiences and take action through hearing and listening to the guidance from the angels as I receive it.

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