The Mission, the Master, and the Mystic

by Veronica Lee
The Mission
Most of us want to feel as if we have some kind of purpose. Part of this desire has to do with our insecurities of our own worthiness, but in essence, we desire a purpose because we sense there really was a soul intention behind our incarnation.
Some people incarnate to experience life, welling from a fundamental “I want to try THAT” impulse. Others come to clear karmic debts, so to speak; their purpose may be to create balance from previous incarnations. Then there are the willing students (or maybe not so willing) who’ve decided to learn or advance in a particular lesson or even get their master’s degree. The intention of the masters – those who have gained a “higher” degree of spiritual consciousness – was to incarnate to fulfill a specific spiritual mission.
Almost everyone has incarnated with a combination of intentions – experiential, karmic, educational, and spiritual. For example, the experiential traveler will encounter several lessons along his path, while the spiritual master may have some final karmic debts to complete as she embarks on her mission.
If we look at the core of a soul’s intention with a more linear perspective, we can discern the “stage” of consciousness of the soul based on its fundamental life intention. Of course, when we recognize everything as vibration, we can release judgment, know there really are no “levels”, and can observe all things with neutrality. Yet, by seeing the soul’s evolution through a hierarchal lens, we gain understanding about our soul’s original intention as well as our life path. This helps us make peace with our path, its perceived obstacles, and can be the impetus we need to forge ahead with open hearts!
With the birth of the New Age our planet welcomed an unprecedented influx of spiritual masters. Likely, you are one of them and you are here on a spiritual mission.
The Master
The majority of spiritual masters begin with fairly ordinary lives. As children, they may have felt “different” or simply “knew”, “saw” or “felt” things that they didn’t understand. Though we all have access to our intuitive senses, spiritual masters usually incarnate with well-evolved skills, as well as a clear sense of Divine Source, however they interpret it.
As part of their life experiences, most people have learned to suppress, hide and overlook their intuitive gifts, soul mastery and, therefore, their mission.
With the collective spiritual awakening, many masters have spent numerous years trying to understand who they are and why they are here. Many have made significant progress in their quest, though most continue to hide behind layers of old tapes, fears and confusion as they press through the bustle of their daily lives. Even those who have discovered that they are indeed masters have resisted fully aligning with their mission. Why is this?
Basically, recognizing one’s masterhood can be quite difficult. Most people have spent a good portion of their lives protectively hiding themselves. In fact, they have mastered this so well that they have surrounded themselves with others who cannot truly see them, including their parents, friends, and even spouses. Couple this with a societal frown on being “too big for your britches” and it’s no wonder spiritual masters are afraid to become who they really are!
Now add to the mix the forgetting of spiritual gifts. Since gifts come so easily and naturally to people, they don’t realize that others don’t have them, or that their gifts are particularly enhanced. In other words, if one cannot identify any “special gifts”, then recognizing his or her masterhood is nearly impossible. The good thing about gifts, thankfully, is that they are inherent, though sometimes they may need a little polishing up.
Fortunately, there are many willing masters who are stepping out to be seen and accepted, and are eagerly integrating their gifts into their work. Brave and ready, they repeatedly stumble over obstacles of fear and resistance in perfectly human ways. As such, these masters believe they are on their path because they are serving humanity in some way. Perhaps they are working in the holistic, healing or intuitive arts and are pretty darned good at what they do. What they don’t realize, however, is that their work and expertise are actually training grounds for their next spiritual step.
Even the more awake spiritual masters may not realize they are still withholding their true, mystical gifts. They are not fully aligning with their fundamental spiritual mission.
The Mystic
As we expand and attain greater states of consciousness, it is easy to feel that we’ve arrived. If we perceive that we’ve achieved a state that is equal to or greater than those around us, then why not be good with that?
Regardless of how spiritually expanded we believe we are, our soul will continue to nag at us to align with more. More of who we are, more of our inner power and knowing, and more of our mysticism. Though we may be “greater” than we were before, or exhibit wisdom beyond the average spiritual seeker, our souls will continue to direct us to our deep-seated mission – one that is immensely significant because it shifts ourselves as well as the planet.
If we quiet our master minds, we will remember that the underlying intention of our mission is to become the mystic.
Oxford Dictionaries defines a mystic as a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute. Moreover, a mystic understands and reveals spiritual truths that are beyond the intellect – that are beyond third dimensional reality.
Today’s mystic may not need to walk on water, but the mystical path may seem almost as daunting. Stepping into a new dimension isn’t easy when we have two feet firmly planted in human experiences. Yet, in order to shift our personal and collective paradigms, we must harness, cultivate and channel our higher dimensional gifts. It is time to fully embody our mysticism and apply it to everything we do, freely and unapologetically.
Most masters have moved well beyond the basics of metaphysics, have gained clarity and direction about their general path, but still feel as if “something is missing.” Perhaps they’ve hit the same frustrating wall, or wonder why they keep tripping over those unseen blocks in the road. In spite of knowing their power and abilities, they haven’t figured out how to unleash them with precision and joy. In essence, these are the masters who’ve been hanging out in their old classrooms – and most likely teaching others – while unconsciously avoiding their true, mystical selves. They are withholding who they are, what they know or what they can do in order to fit in, please others or pacify fears.
At this time, with the energetic frequencies of change and expansion so palpable, we can significantly restructure the old patterns to co-create our world. We can continue to feel spiritually “superior” to the average being and make small ripples with our work, occasionally utilizing our spiritual gifts and dreaming of the impact we’ll make one day. Or, we can listen deeply to the wisdom of our soul and say yes – right now – to our mission, whatever specific form it takes.
By becoming mystics, we can apply the magnitude of who we are to everything we do. In this way, we actually create the quantum leap that we have envisioned for so long.
Keep in mind, the mystic – the one who surrenders to merge with the Divine – has moved beyond the third dimensional realm of egoic limitations, embodying and demonstrating “with God all things are possible.”
Each of us incarnated with an intention. Each has been born with specific gifts to help fulfill our purpose. Though we may have come in at different stages of soul development, any of us can make a quantum leap in our spiritual evolution at any time. In other words, anyone can move beyond masterhood and become the mystic.
The purpose and processes of our individual and collective spiritual work are not to ascend and leave this planet. Our spiritual ascension simply opens us to merge into the state of Divine Oneness here on Earth. In doing so, we create a new world as human mystics living in an enlightened age.
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About The Author
Veronica Lee is an Intuitive, Mentor, Speaker and Writer who has shared her insights and wisdom with thousands around the globe. A mystical artist, Veronica guides people to see and express their innate ability to live empowered, joyful lives. In addition to profound insights, she offers practical tools for evolving spiritual-human beings, including a free eBook to Awaken Your Intuition and meditative audio to help you access Your Akashic Records. To receive Veronica’s free gifts or connect with her, visit her website at

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I am blessed by all of your teachings and am now clearer in my intentions. For some, my daily life produces joyous miracles.
I call it, “living”
I’m sufficiently stuck though, and seem to be in a holding plateu, if there is such a thing. Ideas+ thoughts+ advice? Beyond the usual?9
Yes, indeed, there are those “holding plateau’s” and they can be a time for gathering more of your SELF while feeling a bit of excitement about “what’s next.”
Beyond the usual, for you, you have been doing so much releasing over the years. There are the “last” bits that your heart still “clings” to, but that’s okay. We are trying to discover the balance between letting go and remaining in tact in some way, as the loss of identity can seem so empty.
Specifically, you can allow yourself to rest in the emptiness for a while. It seems you have been trying to “find a teacher.” The emptiness will allow you to really get that YOU ARE THE TEACHER. This is what is unfolding… the key is to accept and allow this next phase as it shows up.
Blessings to you!
I am blessed by your courage to respond. Without your response, it feels lonesome; however, being able to vomit” is extremely new and frightening . You are right, veronica- you and sunada have reminded me of things I urged my congregation while a pastor in a Lutheran church: there is a gift of every state; singlehood, adulthood, silence, business, rest and play. Ecclesiastical. I forgot this is seminary, but it is like relearning everything. Thank you.
brilliant, thank you Veronica
You’re welcome, Julia.