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Shift Your Perspective: On Anger

Shift Your Perspective: On Anger


by Diane Wing, M.A.

Think back to all the times you’ve been angry.  Anger is the result of a variety of reasons and takes on many forms.  The energy of anger is directed at the perceived source — whether it is anger with the self, with someone else, or at a situation.  It may be mixed with hate, disappointment, hurt, or aggravation.  It may be justified…or not.

There are those who feel that anger is a negative emotion to be avoided at all costs.  Anger creates discordant energy that takes you off center.  Loss of control in a fit of anger can prompt actions you may deeply regret later; whether it is something said or something done, the effects can be long lasting.

Anger as a primary view of the world, as in anger at others’ behavior or at one’s own circumstances, wears the person down and repels people from wanting to be around them.  This type of person feels justified in their anger and holds on to it.

Blowing up out of anger can be exhausting and even dangerous, when it takes a violent form.  Also, staying angry at a situation and talking about it over and over fuels the fire, intensifies the propensity to take regretful action, and keeps the negativity in place.

Sometimes anger comes forward toward things that are out of a personal scope of control (death, war, the economy). The anger is attached to feeling helpless or powerless to change the situation.  When that occurs, allow acceptance to replace anger and focus on uplifting aspects of life and ways to bring that higher vibration into the world.

Anger is more likely to appear when a person is fatigued, stressed, or upset.  These lower the tolerance threshold and increase the likelihood that the response to certain triggers, like teasing, criticism, failure, etc., will result in lashing out in anger.  [To increase your tolerance, make sure you dump negativity and ground on a regular basis—See The True Nature of Energy: Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility by Diane Wing, M.A., pg. 24.]

While these are valid reasons to look upon anger with disdain and to strive for self-control, there is a powerful use for anger.  Anger, used to its best purpose, can be a catalyst for change.  Any strong reaction is an indicator of a deep-seated belief or problem, and the forceful nature of anger is potent when channeled to make important changes.

Anger can come as the result of a social or personal injustice.  This is a higher vibrational form of anger that can lead to the creation of social movements and personal actions that create positive change.

Anger that stems from feeling disrespected, undervalued, or unappreciated points to the need for personal change in the way the self is viewed or in the types of relationships engaged in.

Each person has a unique set of circumstances and triggers regarding anger.  The following questions can help narrow the focus that will identify where you can direct this intense energy for the highest good:

1.   Why am I angry? (Surface reason)

2.   Why am I angry, really? (Underlying reason)

3.   Am I truly angry, or is it really hurt, disappointment, or fear?

4.   How does this situation make me feel about myself?

See Also

5.   Is this a recurring situation/behavior?

6.   Is this within my control to change?

7.   What needs to change in order to reduce or eliminate recurring episodes of the situation/behavior?

Anger can hold within it the seeds of change for the highest good.  Be aware of how anger shows up, and tap into a powerful source of transformation.

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About the Author

Diane Wing, M.A. is the author of four books – The True Nature of Energy: Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility, The True Nature of Tarot: Your Path to Personal Empowerment, Thorne Manor and Other Bizarre Tales, and Coven: The Scrolls of the Four Winds all available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iBooks.   She is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio.  Find out more at:

© Diane Wing, all rights reserved.

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