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The Real Food Revolution

The Real Food Revolution

Book Spotlight – The Real Food Revolution

Written by Congressman Tim Ryan

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover!

The era of the Twinkie and the hot-dog-stuffed-crust pizza has been fun, but now it’s time for a change.

The Real Food Revolution by Congressman Tim Ryan is a manifesto for the new food movement.

We Americans love our food. It’s part of what has made this nation great. Our fertile farmlands and the abundance and variety of our agricultural output are the envy of the world. For most of our history, we lived close to the land, food was accessed locally, and we processed it in our own kitchens. But as our population and economy boomed in the last century and we concentrated in the cities, we industrialized our food system—with food coming far from home and processed multiple times. As foods rich in natural taste declined, we relied on high amounts of added sugar, fat, and salt to entice our palates. And it has taken a toll: our soil is polluted, our practices are unsustainable, and our health problems, including everything from allergy-related disease to obesity, are on the rise. This has all contributed to historic levels of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other causes of preventable death.

See Also
Book of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu

The good news is that people are starting to find solutions and Congressman Tim Ryan’s The Real Food Revolution is a great place to start!

For more information or to purchase The Real Food Revolution, click the cover or visit:

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