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Welcome Back to Millions of People

Welcome Back to Millions of People


by Nancy Oakes

LGBT, Labeled for Separation for Centuries. 

There is new love energy, sparked by the return of the feminine, alive and growing on our little blue planet. This energy has opened the hearts of humanity allowing a remembrance and an awareness regarding millions of people who have been a target for elimination for centuries by religious authority and governments controlled by that authority.

Upon colonization and under the cloak of religious doctrine an entire group of people who once served their individual communities as elders, medicine people, teachers, and midwives had their very existence and their purpose within their community, culture and indigenous religion wiped out. These people lost their positions within their communities only because they did not fall into the two-gender category established by the church. This labeling system is already recognized as one of the darkest and most dangerous processes recorded against humanity led by religious authority. Labeling people is the separation producing fear and mistrust, which leads to hate. If you add that God sanctioned the labeling and teach that message for centuries most humans, before the awakening, were easily controlled and manipulated.


The Intention of Life

There is a divine plan for humankind the “Intention of Life” a purpose, a oneness with all creation designed for everyone. This plan was created from the beginning for all humankind not based on gender or sexual orientation. The evidence is clear that focusing on specific gender or sexual orientation, the labeling system, has not only separated sacred humans from active roles within communities but has caused those people to be a target for ridicule, discrimination and elimination from the human race. If third gender people were an isolated case of a mutation, a mistake in human creation that the church thought to eliminated, why then do we still have LGBT communities? Why are they not extinct like some other civilizations? LGBT are born today all over the world just as they have been born forever on this planet. They are real people born in all cultures around the world and will continue to be born just as other humans-because they are! 


Over the centuries humanity lost the ability to know this truth.

Specifically all humans need to be active and recognize their roles and assignments to support their individual communities. When separated from our Intention of Life humans are confused, unhappy and spiritually disconnected. This truth applies to all people. LGBT people are American, English, Egyptian, Italian, Spanish and Native American etc.…. Baptist, Methodist, Catholic and pagan who want just what everyone else wants, a life of love and happiness living their divine plan of purpose and giving back to their community.

There are also many ancient cultures and religions still active on the planet that speak of this purpose of life. Indigenous religions globally including Native American and eastern religions like Buddhism teach that being aware and embracing all of humanity brings peace. Connected to Source, known by many names, humans are free to remember and able to appreciate why they are on this planet. With that remembrance, which is what is happening now as humanity ascends to a higher consciousness, comes great understanding and enlightenment. The awakening is the spark and the key that is creating a New World for humanity. Within that New World all people will be honored and embraced as an addition to society eliminating the labeling of a two- gender system. Thus allowing a reconnecting for those who lost the awareness of their divine plan and purpose.


The Healing Begins

Through great love and falling away from old systems and paradigms that no longer serve spiritually a great healing has begun. The old system of hate and total disregard for equality of life and happiness will no longer be accepted in our New World of love. Why? Humanity has awakened to the truth of our interdependence. Humans who have ascended to a higher consciousness witness and respond to this phenomenon. They have realized that to service your community, your spiritual connection, and your life purpose has nothing to do with your sexual preferences.

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A New World is possible based on our recognition of our oneness and our interdependence on each other for thriving communities.

In the new era as humanity has shifted into the light and the higher vibration we will have a new understanding. YOU ARE PERFECT JUST AS YOU ARE-YOU WERE BORN PERFECT JUST AS THE CREATOR INTENDED. Come join with us in the New World, together we will rebuild paradise for ourselves and for future generations. Great love welcomes you back into our communities in a place of honor as an addition to our societies. This is the sacred return of the feminine, a new energy of love that has been missing from humanities understanding for thousand of years. 

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About the Author

Nancy is the CEO of the “Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center.” She is a member of the Free Cherokee, and an adopted member of the United Lenape Band. Nancy is currently involved in the study of psychology, and cultural anthropology. Her first book is available on The Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe. Nancy is an ally for the “Third Gender” LGBT communities. When our hearts are filled with love and we embrace all sacred creation humanity will witness the shift to a higher consciousness, and arrive in the New World. You can contact her at her email address

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