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2014 Sagittarius New Moon

2014 Sagittarius New Moon


Astrology Forecast for the 2014 Sagittarius New Moon

November 22, 2014

4:32 AM PST / 7;32 AM EST / 12:32 PM GMT

0 Sagittarius 07

Get ready to energize. Our outlook on life, relationships and money get a boost from this month’s Sagittarius New Moon. It offers a raw blast of adventure, optimism and expanded perspective.

Like last month’s Scorpio New Moon, this month’s Sagittarius New Moon is just barely minutes within the sign, which gives an unrefined and primal quality to its expression. Sag is enthusiastic, curious, freedom-loving and high-spirited, often prone to find the positive and the humor in anything. The ruler of the sign and this moon is Jupiter, a beneficent, expansive, fun-loving influence, which ups the stakes of any action it nears. Add to this Venus’s recent entry into the sign, and all these qualities are set to super-charge the atmosphere.

A fundamental fieriness, warmth and appetite for life is resurging. Tap into it. Life force and vitality are coming back, and along with it the ability to laugh at life and yourself. Sag is highly gregarious, and Venus in that sign encourages socializing, fun for its own sake and raucous good times.

Because of her proximity to the Sagittarius New Moon, relationships continue to be a central factor. Money does too, especially as a symbol of worth and appreciation. Who shares your values? Who values you? Who resonates with your particular brand of joy for living?

People have been parting ways lately, and you might in for another round of seeing some connections in a different light. A factor is at work that could just as easily romanticize relationships as increase delusion and deception to the point of getting your attention. The cause is a harsh aspect between Neptune (the cosmic fog machine, as well as the font of compassion and transcendence) and the teamwork of the Sagittarius New Moon and Venus. Since Venus and Neptune are the two rulers of love, worldly and spiritual, use the impact as a signal to respond with compassionate to the people in your life — and any who depart now.

Eyes on the ones who stay, please. Celebrate the abiding connections. Share fun and adventure, too. Sharing amplifies them. It’s like the difference between watching a funny movie by yourself at home and seeing it in a theater filled with people. When it’s shared, laughter spreads like wildfire and can lead to a cathartic experience.

After a grueling fall, we could all use the opportunity to blow off steam and recharge. No more isolating. No more quietly contemplating the turmoil and course corrections of the past six to seven weeks (or taking refuge in a fetal position atop your bed). Talk and philosophize about them, yes; look for higher meaning, yes; but mope about your lot, no.

See Also

Pity parties are at an end. It’s time for happy hour. You know the saying about looking at life as a glass half full? It can be full to the brim if you let it. Full and overflowing with champagne, or your celebration beverage of choice.

Learn more navigational tips in Kathy’s Fall 2014 Astro-Talk mp3.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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