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Donna Karan and Urban Zen

Donna Karan and Urban Zen

donna karan
donna karan
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Donna Karan’s vision was for a healthcare system that not only focused on the medical needs of the patient but also that the entire experience didn’t have to be scary and impersonal. Beyond even medical needs, her vision expanded to be all inclusive of the community. The communities we live in should have space for all of our needs whether they be physical, mental, or spiritual. Life cannot be compartmentalized and so our communities must have the capacity to meet far more of our needs than they often do. When we buy a perfume or a handbag, we should be able to find a product that not only suits our needs but also suits the needs of each person and each community involved in production.

Urban Zen has allowed Donna Karan to focus on making mindful impact with consumers and craftsmen, doctors and patients, and the global community as a whole. The detail oriented way she approached high fashion is now making a significant difference at Urban Zen. It is our sincere hope that this new endeavor is as successful and impactful as her fashion career. We have no doubt she’s on the right track.

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