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Gary Johnson: The Future of Cannabis Oil

Gary Johnson: The Future of Cannabis Oil

The war on drugs is the number one reason why we have the highest incarceration rate in the world. Call it a bad choice, but when it’s your children, your parents, friends, or coworkers, you know that they are not criminal. They may be making bad choices, but they are not criminals.

Marlise Karlin: So what is the most important information you want people to understand about cannabis? 

Gary Johnson: Well, just that as citizens we can demand from our elected representative that they de-schedule marijuana as a Class I narcotic. That does not require a law change. The Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Surgeon General can do that. The President of the United States has the power. It is not a Class I narcotic by any stretch of the imagination. Go see Dallas Buyers Club – the analogy is 100%.

Marlise Karlin: Once the scientists are allowed to research it we will understand what can really help people. You certainly know how to aim high in all regards. I appreciate your being here and I want to thank you for sharing your views.


See Also
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About the Author

Marlise Karlin is a rare combination; a pioneering researcher, author, and Founder of the Simplicity of Stillness® Technology. Om Times is excited to bring you Marlise’s unique perspective, which inspires compelling conversations with some of the world’s most fascinating people.  Learn more about Marlise Karlin and The Simplicity of Stillness® (SOS) Method at

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