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Love on the Other Side

Love on the Other Side


Love on the Other Side – Asking For Heavenly Help from the Other Side

Love-On-The-Other-Side_Arielle-Ford _Book
For a FREE copy of Arielle Ford’s eBook, Love on the Other Side, click the book cover!

Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.

~Emily Dickinson

Is there Love on the Other Side?  The answer is yes!

So how do you place a request for assistance from your loved ones on the other side? There are many ways to reach out to them:

~ Simply speak out loud to them.

~ Write them a letter and put it under your pillow or insert the letter into a red or pink helium balloon and literally release it to heaven.

~ Say daily prayers of gratitude and affirmation thanking them for their assistance.

I have found with my sister Debbie that somehow she can hear my thoughts!

Debbie transitioned on February 17, 2013 and later that year on her birthday, October 1, 2013,  Debbie’s close friend, James Van Praagh, did a Skype session with me and Mom so we could talk to Debbie.  One of the first things Debbie acknowledged was that I had her necklace around my neck and Mom was wearing her watch.  Then she said to me,  “Don’t get your eyes done.“

Just that morning I had been looking in the mirror at the bags under my eyes, thinking it might be time for a visit to a plastic surgeon.  I never even said it out loud to anyone!    Now, with this clear message from my sister, I have decided to learn to love my puffy under eyes!

Here’s the bottom line:

Your loved ones on the other side want to participate in your life.  They want you to be happy, satisfied and content, and it is my understanding that they won’t make things happen or interfere with your life unless you ask.

There are so many ways they can send us signs and symbols.  If I see butterflies, I know my sister is here.  If I see hummingbirds, it’s my step-father Doc.  Coming across a ladybug is a sure sign my Aunt Pearl is hanging around and rainbows are always showing me that my father, Harvey, is nearby.

See Also

One friend says that whenever her kids find pennies on the ground, they know it’s a gift from their Dad in heaven.

Bottomline:  Just ask!

This article is adapted from the Ebook by Arielle Ford: Love On the Other Side

For a FREE COPY of Love on the Other Side, please visit:

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