Mystical Tools: Crystals for Daily Use

Mystical Tools: Gemstones and Crystal for Daily Use
by Margaret Ann Lembo
The human is multi-dimensional with subtle bodies which are the mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Even though you can’t see your thoughts, feelings and your spirit, you do know they exist. The energy body consists of seven chakras —the crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the navel, and the root, each associated with a specific color which relate to the rainbow of gemstones available to use for balance.
The Energy Body
The lower three chakras are related to the physical part that connects you with the more mundane aspects of living here on planet Earth – food, shelter and water.
The upper three chakras are the spiritual chakras helping you remember your Divine connection with your spiritual nature or the heavenly connection. The heart chakra is the bridge between the upper three and the lower three chakras, bringing Heaven to Earth and Earth to Heaven.
Everything we think and feel, both positive and negative, is contained within this energy field, whether you are conscious of your energy field or not. When you make it your intention to consciously clear away negative thoughts and feelings and replace it with positive energy you will increase well-being and bring about balance.
Gemstones and Crystals as Mystical Tools
Gemstones and crystals are powerful tools, which guide you toward personal understanding. They make a perfect tool to help you connect with your inner mystic. The mystic is one in pursuit of communion with the Divine through insight, intuition, and experience. The colors and shapes of the stones offer you an avenue to receive messages that motivate and activate your awareness. Crystals and gemstones have elemental energy of earth spirits. These earth spirits, the Gemstone Guardians, maintain the intention, use, color, and integrity of the stone.
Try using beautiful colored stones on and around your body to help you awaken to your life purpose and fulfill your soul’s agreements. Crystal alignments are a perfect tool to realign the energetic body to restore balance mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The experience of laying on of stones as additional energetic assistance to rebalance and realign the body, mind, and emotions to hone and reconnect with your inner spark of the Divine.
Much like a chakra balancing crystal alignment, a crystal grid is a method of placing crystals in geometric formations on or around a person and their space or larger location to achieve a formed intention within the space or person. Crystal grids can be combined with crystal alignments with larger groups of people at sacred sites. A crystal alignment is the use of crystals placed on an around the body to clear, balance, and align the chakras.
Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment
You can experience an amazing healing meditation by placing gemstone on and around your body. Try this for yourself. Gather your gemstones and place them on or near you as start from the bottom and work your way up as make your intention clearly.
Use black, brown, gray or metallic stones at your ankles or below the soles of your feet. Use Black Tourmaline or Hematite by your ankles for grounding, protection and release of negativity.
Use red gemstones by your hips for your root chakra to activate vitality, good health, motivation and more passion for life. Ruby or red garnet works well placed next to each hip.
Orange stones at your navel – also known as the sacral chakra – will help activate the courage to give birth to your creativity. This center helps you to take action and move forward with your ventures and ideas. Carnelian or orange calcite on your belly is my suggestion.
Yellow stones at your solar plexus like citrine or amber on your solar plexus are used to amplify self-confidence and to help you remember your magnificence.
Choose pink and green stones for your heart center. This center is your bridge between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras. Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine at your heart are my all-time favorites.
Pastel blue and turquoise colored gems are perfect at the throat to aid in your ability to know your truth, live your truth and then speak your truth. A piece of angelite or amazonite works well at your throat chakra.
Place dark blue or purple crystals on the center of your forehead for your third eye center. Use amethyst or lapis lazuli as well as clear stones like apophyllite and clear quartz.
Clear, white and purple gems are good above your head at the crown chakra. Amethyst, elenite or clear quartz above your head activates your halo and connection with the Divine.
Place a large clear quartz point or selenite wand in either or both hands.
Allow yourself to go into quiet contemplation or no mind meditation with these stones on and around you. You can stay in this state from 20 minutes to an hour depending on your goals and intentions. As you relax your mind, body, and spirit, you will find yourself filled with love and well-being.
Upon your return from the chakra balancing crystal alignment meditation experience take notice of your heightened state of awareness. This is a perfect time to access you the oracle within.
The Inner Oracle
Oracles have been used in many cultures, religions, political and spiritual arenas for centuries. In ancient Greece, oracles were priests and priestesses that brought through divine messages in response to specific inquiries. Gemstones, too, have been used in a variety of ways from jewelry to healing elixirs and amulets.
Messages from the angels have become an ordinary occurrence now. These divine messengers brought revelations and messages through saints and prophets throughout time. Divine messages also come from the angelic realm to guide you and guard you during this lifetime.
Everyone has this gift of the angelic realm available. Ask for Divine guidance from angels and guides to inspire you to select the highest and best course of action. Stay focused on love, compassion and integrity. Then take action to clear out the negative energy of doubts, fears, low self-esteem, unmet expectations, abandonment, and betrayal and so on.
The Gemstone Guardians
The Gemstone Guardians speak to us just as the angels do. The color, origin, mineral compounds and shape offer insights to the stone’s meaning. Divine messages come through the crystals when used with your intention.
Using crystals and gemstones for readings came to my awareness after years of assisting customers pick gemstones in my own retail store in Florida, The Crystal Garden. Customers often want to know what stone will bring them love, or which crystal will clear negativity from their lives. My recommendation is to stand before the jewelry counter or the display of tumbled gemstones. Then allow your eyes to gravitate to what is drawing your attention. Try it. Go to your local jewelry or metaphysical store and ask yourself, “What pieces are attractive to me in this moment?”
Once you’ve chosen all the stones you are attracted to, look up the meaning of the gemstone in one of my books, The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones. Chakra Awakening, or Color Your Life with Crystals. Read further about what you have chosen. You might be astonished at the accuracy of what that stone represents. Deeper understanding of yourself aids in awakening your consciousness and the mystic within. The process of self-discovery using this process is also fun.
I was so inspired that I created The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards to provide guidance and positive thoughtforms to transform reality in an easily accessible way for everyone.
The combination of these tools – angels, gemstones, and the oracle – brings a powerful trio to the intuitive readers table and beyond. These tools are for everyone because everyone has the ability to connect with the Divine and receive intuitive insight to guide each person on their path. The power of positive thinking has been proven time and again. All these components are found within The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards.

How to use the The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards
Start by asking your angels and guides to be part of the session. Open your heart, mind and spirit to receive the information that will help at this moment. It is best to have a specific question or request for guidance on a particular area of your life. There is no question to mundane or esoteric when using The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards.
Shuffle the deck. As you shuffle keep your attention on your intention and notice if there are any cards that are either “jumping” out or revealing themselves to you by the way they blend back in the deck. Pull one to three cards per question. Usually the answer arrives within the first card.
On the front side of each card is the divination. On the back side, the angel of that area of life offers positive thoughtforms to repeat and affirm to shift your consciousness to focus on what you do want vs. what you don’t want. That’s the transformational aspect of using this deck. Remove what isn’t working and use your imagination and action to create the reality you really want in your life.
Let’s say you want to know if it is safe for you to speak your truth in a matter of importance in your life. You shuffle the deck and the amazonite card comes out of the deck.
The front side of the card says:
“Amazonite Are you holding back something you need to say? The truth about a certain matter needs to be spoken. Honesty is important at this time. Have the courage to speak up with grace. Loving words have the power to heal or improve a situation.”
Then when you flip over the card the Angel of Truth and Honesty provide this positive thoughtform:
“I live my truth and honestly communicate what is on my mind with ease. I effortlessly find the words to express my truth and speak eloquently and lovingly. I surround myself with people who are not afraid to honestly express themselves.”
Everyone can always benefit from more love. “You are love. Your true essence is love. Be aware that you are love in all you do, say, think, feel, smell, taste or know, and you will be happy and healthy all the days of your life.” ~Margaret Ann
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About the Author
Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of The Angels & Gemstone Guardian Cards; Color Your Life with Crystals; Chakra Awakening; and The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones and a CD coming in 2015 Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment. She is a spiritual entrepreneur and practitioner, aromatherapist, creator of Smudge in Spray along with many favored aroma-energetic sprays, and the owner of The Crystal Garden—a book store, gift store, and spiritual center since 1988.

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