Song of the New Earth: Tom Kenyon
Tom related this story to me: when he was tired and beat, he stumbled into a Mexican restaurant and watched a woman cook with great love. He cites her food as the biggest healing he ever received. For a man who participates in a loving song fest with the Earth – this is quite a compliment. The woman loved to cook. Her food, imbued with her love, provided a powerful healing and transformative experience. We can sing, adding love and gratitude to the vibratory mixture. Such feelings are amplified with your voice. Our song can be “loving feelings on steroids.” So, each one of us can walk in the big footsteps of Tom Kenyon, just by playfully singing a happy tune. This is what the world needs now.
Tom, known for his channeling of the Hathors (higher evolved planetary beings), discussed his role as a channel to take the unheard sound that is given to him, and to bring it forth into song. He mentioned, “Channelors are like hollow reeds. They receive and send energy through the container of their bodies. The goal is to surrender to the energy that comes through you. If you are not centered, relatively clear of energy blocks and stay out of the way of the energy, you can distort the transmission. I enter into a high state of consciousness where time and space disappears. This is conducive to enjoying deep communication with spiritual beings.”
I like to think that by raising his energy and entering a deep meditative state that Tom creates a porthole to receive beneficial energy transmissions that express as sound. Tom has dedicated a significant portion of his life to meditation and esoteric techniques to raise his energy. This allows the sacred sound to be received through him and transmitted to you, with as little human energy interference as possible.
Kenyon offered, “One method of raising your energy is cathartic release of negative energy. Think of Michelangelo, who started his masterpieces with one block of stone. He cut away the pieces that didn’t belong to get the prized work of art.” So it is with your energy. You must release the negative stored within. Tom added, “The last song on the movie was cathartic for me and the Earth as well. I had countless people tell me of changes in their energy and life after listening to his song.”
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