Taurus Full Moon 2014 Astrology Forecast

Astrology Forecast for the 2014 Taurus Full Moon
November 6, 2014
2:22 PM PST / 5:22 PM EST / 10:22 PM GMT
14 Taurus 25 / 14 Scorpio 25
Manifestation is the theme of this month’s Taurus Full Moon. Don’t expect to stare in a shop window and will a piece of jewelry to appear around your neck, as misleadingly popularized by “The Secret.” No simple, wishful thinking is at work now. Instead, what’s coming into being is a direct outgrowth of how you have been responding to the change imperative that has been destabilizing and restructuring your life.
Earth plane, mundane developments are very much in play now. Ruled by Venus in her most sensual form, Taurus is the first of the earth signs, the most fully and immovably affixed to immersion in the physical.
The experience of the senses is paramount: the taste and texture of food; the sensation of fabrics against the skin and bare feet in the dirt; the aroma of flowers, grass and rain; the comfort of cash in the bank. While this can and sometimes does express as laziness and hedonism, the sign also holds the potential of the other extreme: spirit coming down into physical form.
Look for both in the developments that are blossoming now. Heaven on earth is not merely a cliché. It is actually occurring, in simple forms that we humans can understand, if we will only open to it.
This Taurus Full Moon is at the middle of the Taurus/Scorpio axis of resources, values and sharing. The event’s hostess, Venus, has just passed the Sun and is still in the thick of the action, bringing money, value system and relationship issues to the fore. What is in your garden? What is blossoming?
The new growth has several key characteristics, no matter how the details are taking shape in your life. First, it has an overlay of healing (thanks to Venus trining Chiron), either bringing a new expression of compassion and love, if you have come to peace with a long-standing wound in your being, or from exposing such a wound to light and, potentially, balm.
Second, the growth is occurring in areas that have been drawing and demanding attention since June of 2012, when cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto first set off the tectonic plate shifts that have been restructuring foundations in our lives. While with reflection you may be able to connect dots from then to now, more recent times sowed the seeds of this month’s harvest. Think back to the week between last Christmas and New Year’s, and then to this past April. What is the story line from then to now?
The Taurus Full Moon is at the same degree where the cardinal cross took place last April. The spring’s cardinal configuration provided the initiating force. This Taurus Full Moon, in fixed signs, focuses on staying power. Seedlings are on the brink of shooting up fiercely, or of being uprooted.
The triggers are already building and go off in the next week. Mars, planet of action, meets Pluto, lord of death and rebirth, on November 10, forcing new structures into being (and uprooting the dying). The god of war then pressures volatile, rebellious Uranus on the 12th, blowing away husks and debris and setting off quick changes in both directions.
Breathe. Don’t freak. Don’t anticipate. Don’t fall into Chicken-Little thinking. You already know what is in play. The particulars may surprise you (unpredictability is always a factor, when Uranus is involved), but the nature of the game is clear, and so is the location of the playing field.
Hang on to the harvest metaphor. This Taurus Full Moon lights up what you have sown. Reap it and consider whether you want more. Does the growth nourish you? Does it reward your investment of time, energy, emotion, money? Embrace it and commit, and put no more effort into anything that deserves negative answers to those last questions.
Our only option is treating this harvest seriously and responsibly. That’s the requirement of Venus’ meeting with Saturn on the 12th (the same day, take note, that Mars tangles with Uranus). Relationships and agreements will turn on a dime into arrangements with staying power, or hit walls, limitations and separations that are likely insurmountable.
Go for the sweet, the nourishing and sustainable. If any portion of your harvest proves bitter, that’s a clue that it cannot keep you, or itself, going. Mulch it, let it rot, walk away from it, but do not expect it to blossom and please you. The goddess is in the details. Heed her messages.
Learn more navigational tips in Kathy’s Fall 2014 Astro-Talk mp3.
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About the Astrologer
Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives. empowermentunlimited.net

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.