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Ten Toning Tips To Deepen Your Meditation

Ten Toning Tips To Deepen Your Meditation


Deepen Your Meditation  with Toning

By Dudley Evenson

Toning is a simple system using the breath and voice that has the effect of energizing and calming the body at the same time as well as centering and focusing the mind. It requires no musical training, instruments or technology so it is the perfect tool to support your healing and going deeper into meditation. As we learn to relax and calm the whirlpools of the mind, we are better able to support our wellbeing. We can use this system anytime we feel stress or want to calm our restless thoughts.

The mind is a very active system and in the busyness of our modern lives, we often need help in letting go of worrisome or troubling thoughts that have a tendency to repeat themselves as incessant tape loops. Even if the thoughts aren’t negative, by their very repetition, they can wear us down. We call it ‘monkey mind’ as it reminds us of a bothersome creature constantly nagging us to think thoughts that are unnecessary or harmful to our psyche. The word ‘mantra’ in Sanskrit means ‘mind protection’ so by toning a sacred mantra, we are protecting our minds from our own negative interference.

Our friend and chant diva, Deva Premal, explains the concept behind the OM mantra which she says is really three tones in one: A-U-M:

The first AH tone is opening up to love and a power greater than ourselves. The second tone is UH and more like a funnel drawing that energy into us.

The third tone is MM which resonates the sound as a hum deep within us.

So by focusing on each sound separately A-U-M, we create a sacred cycle of breath and tone and with our intention, and we enhance our well-being. So whether you prefer vowel toning, humming, chakra toning or the simple Om/AUM mantra, you are likely to experience the healing benefits of toning.


Ten Toning Tips To Deepen Your Meditation

1. Sit or lie down, close your eyes and relax your body

2. Take a deep breath, hold a moment and release

3. As you exhale, allow a quiet humming to occur as you push the breath out

4. Do this several times feeling your hum resonating deep inside

5. Inhale again and slowly exhale pushing out an AH vowel tone with the breath

6. Repeat as many times as you want focusing on love and your Heart Chakra

7. Play with the sound, Change the vowel tone to OH feeling your Power Center

8. Concentrate on the point between your eyebrows

See Also

9. Focus on your higher power, your angels, God or Nature

10. Feel the vibration of oneness as you breathe in the life force

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About the Author

Dudley Evenson and her husband, Dean Evenson, are sound healing pioneers who have produced award-winning healing music since 1979. Their recent album ‘Chakra Meditations & Tones’ features affirmations and toning with the chakras. Her blog is and music website is

Soundings of the Planet one of the leading sound healing music labels spanning nearly 4 decades announces the release of Harmonic Way. Harmonic Way features major harmonics and innovative guitar effects featured Scott Huckabay that resonate with the vibrating frequencies of Tibetan singing bowls played by Dean and Dudley Evenson who also perform flute, harp and keyboards. Soundings long-time recording engineer, Phil Heaven, enhances the musical conversation with his exotic viola styling’s. The result is a mystical interplay of harmony and bliss – the perfect soundscape for a massage, yoga or deep relaxation.

To enhance brainwave synchronization, Alpha frequencies and the Earth Resonance Frequency of 7.83 hertz are embedded under the mix. Evenson’s signature field recordings of subtle natural sounds also add to the captivating quality of the album. Their progressive, other worldly, nature-based, healing music has supported countless people in their quest for stress reduction, relaxation, health and inner peace.

Sample the new album here.

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