Being Transparent

The State of Being Transparent
By Carl Studna
Have you noticed how certain words over time begin to take on a new or expanded meaning? We never seem to know who initiated these broader definitions, but once they hit a certain momentum, a massive wave seems to wash over our collective consciousness and we begin to hear these words being used regularly in a new fashion.
The word, transparent, is one of these examples. In days gone by, we only referred to this word in the literal sense as a visual description of a substance that you could see through. Today, the word takes on a broader and more poetic purpose as a metaphor for how present, honest and authentic we show up with others. When referred to in this context, it invokes a rich and visual feeling around the person being discussed.
Living from a state of being total transparent takes on a greater and more expanded meaning than simply being truthful and honest. When you think of a visual image, imagine showing up in all areas of your life being pure, loving and completely open with no defenses and nothing to hide. You fully emanate light and acceptance, trusting that it’s safe to fully give and receive. You are richly anchored in an inner-peace and you radiate a pureness of heart, thus, all communication is clear and expansive in nature.
Because you know that nothing can harm you, you show up in the world trusting that there is no-thing to hide and all communication is delivered with an unconditionally loving approach. Everywhere you go, people are naturally drawn to you because they feel safe, heard and fully acknowledged. Every thought, feeling and choice is fueled out of a pure desire to give boundlessly of your gifts and be of the highest service to others.
Every morning you awake and breathe in the splendor of a new day filled with infinite grace and potential. Clarity of purpose fills you and your receptive nature calls forth the perfect opportunities and choices throughout your day. You naturally live in a state of receptivity with no need to force or figure things out.
You are living a blessed life and your way of being is contagious. You are in the world but not of the world. You are Spirit in form, yet your form is merely temporal, and you fully embrace the opportunity to navigate this creatively expansive physical terrain with open arms and a radiant heart.
You are a transparent being…..right here….right now.
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About the Author
Carl Studna is a world-renowned photographer, inspirational speaker, teacher and award winning author. Carl’s intimate portraits of influential people ranging from Paul McCartney to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, are published and known worldwide. Carl has taken his message and experiences to print in his newly released book, CLICK! Choosing Love. One Frame at a Time. Studna’s innovative work, the LuminEssence Method©, teaches a new paradigm for radiating the light that resides within revealing each person’s authentic gifts.

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