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True Alignment and Connection in Relationships

True Alignment and Connection in Relationships


by Michelle Infinity

Connection is the most important thing on Earth. It gives our lives purpose and meaning; grounds us, gets us high, and opens us up; pushes us past our limits, sometimes by breaking our hearts; but it is connection with another being that allows us to confront our mental patterns and witness our habitual actions. In its highest function, connection is what makes us real. Here, now.

Connection is the reason we are alive.

The most important tool for growth we have, and possibly the most important quality to cultivate while we are on this Earth. Whether this be connection to self and source, through a monastic life, or through interpersonal relationships, where we learn to consciously connect to ourselves through dancing with others.

I say to consciously connect to ourselves through others, because when we connect, in truth, we are connecting to the spark of God that is threaded through each of us. We see the divine aspect of ourselves reflected by another soul. This mutual recognition of divinity is what makes us feel most alive and is a way for God to see God – through us. I believe this is why it makes us feel so complete. It may be the reason for all of existence, to meet in this space of oneness while dancing in the illusion of separateness though identity and form.

I’ve read, the only flow in the universe is the flow from love, through us, back to love. To quote the Book of Runes, “Even in loving, it is love that loves through us.” Meaning we are more like vehicles, conduits of love rather than creators of it. Love is a Divine Force, meant to fuel this world by coursing through it. This brings up some questions: How much are we allowing Love to flow through us? How open are we to receiving the flood of this divine currency, or current of energy? Are we blocking it before we even let it in, why?

Do we run away from Love, or disengage? Or are we gripping onto it so tightly when it presents itself, we resist letting it flow through us and back again – to Love?

How much trust are we willing to put in this cosmic force that fuels the universe to flow through us continuously so we feel connected to life?

The quality of how deeply we are able to connect is equal to how fulfilled we are as human beings – yet receiving love may be one of the most difficult things on the planet. The reason being is, in order to receive love fully, we must be willing to be vulnerable.

In fact, vulnerability is what we crave.

Brene Brown’s work on vulnerability discusses our collective fear of surrendering to joy. When we deny Love, and hold back from receiving, it is for fear of future disappointment usually based on past negative experiences. By choosing this protective reaction, we cut our hearts off from the flow of Love (whose purpose is to flow through us) instead we disengage, separate, rather than expand and open to the experience by fully being aligned with ourselves, and another human being.

However, when the Soul has matured and yearns to be fully present, is ready and willing to be vulnerable, to be seen, heard, and understood – but the ego is still in the reactive pattern of contracting and defending, if it senses future suffering or is triggered by the remembrance of past pain-then, we disengage. And though our Soul cries for deep emotional intimacy through fearless vulnerability, we experience the pain of habitually choosing separation.

The heartbreak here is so immense because we are not yet acting in accordance with our Soul’s highest truth, or present evolution of consciousness. We are not yet showing up in True Alignment.

Too often, we show up as smaller than we truly are. We take the vastness of our wide open heart, and confine it to a tiny frame. It is our cosmic duty to honor our Souls and walk in this world in our Truth – to walk as if we had wings.

We must have the courage, willingness, and fearlessness to be seen. We must carry ourselves in True Alignment, honoring all aspects of ourselves in the presence of one another. Practice being fearless and vulnerable. We must also have the courage to honor each member of our soul family as they learn to hold themselves in this space of Truth.

Our higher consciousness is beyond these defensive habits. Reverting to past patterns robs us from being truly present. A mindfulness practice, checking in and slowing down helps us be in a deep, present state of awareness.

Let’s make it a part of our practice to call forth our Soul’s True Alignment into each and every moment.

Showing up in True Alignment

It takes practice – but if we want conscious intimacy in our relationships, if we want the deep cosmic connection of being a soul with another soul, and if we desire to trust ourselves to bring this consciousness fully into the world through our relationships – we must show up in True Alignment. First within our own being, and then in harmony to the vibrational frequency of the other beings we dance with.

It is important to know what your business is with another person. In order to truly honor each other we need to take the time to connect internally and ask, “What serves this being in front of me? What role am I being asked to dance with them?”

Asking, “What is the True Alignment — of myself AND of this relationship?” will help you meet the other where you both are. Even on different planes of consciousness, there is still that place where we are both connect to the divine. Checking into it lets Love direct the energy – because we surrender to what serves all of creation.

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When we are of highest service, we have the courage to show up with grace and humility, empowered in who we are and who are here to be. In the space of True Alignment, we see all as Love and we are honored by all because what we see without reflects how we feel within. Life mirrors back how we are showing up.

Check in often to your heart center, to make sure you are being your full awareness. Notice what triggers old patterns of behavior and what responses are misaligned with the truth of the person you are becoming? You will feel in your chakras if you are communicating your Soul’s truth.

Are you contracting or expanding into the present moment? Remember to let it all pass through you. Receive the flow of grace with gratitude and much space. Allow it to flow through you, to love, and back again. Soften as you open to receive.

Meeting in wholeness is a transcendent experience. When we are both in True Alignment, there is no fear, no limit of love flowing through. There is vast spaciousness in the oneness as much as in the separation. Everything in the universe exists in perfect balance. Opposing sides are symmetrical and love flows as the unifying energy between these opposite polarities. There is stillness and energy, transcendence and presence. There is deep, raw connection to self, to other, and surrender to the joy of ecstasy as well as acknowledgement of the fear of pain. And as we are able to allow the flow of Love, of Grace, to merge through us and be reflected by another soul, we are engulfed in the tantric dance of what it is to be fully alive. Heart, Soul, Body, Mind. Existence – Consciousness – Bliss.

Satchitananda, Tat Tvam Asi
I am that. You are that.

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About the Author

Michelle Infinity is a Spiritual Advisor, Teacher, and Healer whose mission is to bring ancient truths of universal consciousness through several different vehicles of creation. Her writings focus on tuning into our collective energies as the ever increasing shifts in consciousness continue to occur. She is trained by Doreen Virtue as a Certified Angel Card Reader, and holds a 200hr RYT in Baptiste Style Power Vinyasa Yoga.

To book a healing session with Michelle write:

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