10 Ways to Be the Magic

Be the Magic
by Gia Dalton
Don’t you just love attending and being part of live performances? Theater, the Opera, Symphonies, Inspirational Conferences, Yoga Classes, Sporting events…why? Because something wonderful happens to the energy that fills the room. It’s magical. Every word, lyric, musical note or goal scored influences a tremendous shift in energy. If you could see it, I’m certain it would sparkle. It would dance. It would sing! What an awesome way to feel good. What better place to experience life, than emerged in the magic!
Being part of anything that is uplifting for the soul, not only lifts the spirit, but raises the collective consciousness. In the wanting of magical, spirit-lifting experiences, you will naturally gravitate towards them. You want to experience joy, happiness, and love.
Have you ever felt the energy shift when someone walked into a room? Sometimes the energy becomes light, breezy, easy, and fun. That’s a really cool, feel-good place to be. Other times, the shift can feel dense, static, anxious, and uneasy. Not a good feeling….and not a good place to be.
When you are driving, are you honking the horn at drivers on the road? Are they honking at you? Are you noticing “crazy” drivers? Are you a crazy driver? Do you consistently have a difficult time finding a parking spot? Or do you get in your happy place, listen to music, and miraculously a spot is always there waiting for you?
Yes, this pretty much sounds like a “Pie in the Sky” wearing “Rose Colored glasses” kind of mode, but who cares? It’s a better place to be; is it not? Sure, acknowledge what is happening around you, but don’t judge it or let it become part of your experience. You are merely an observer, nothing more. Let the outside world entertain you. You choose what to internalize. If you bring a feel good attitude with you wherever you go, nothing around you can disturb your peace. We create our reality. You are responsible for yours. You can be the magic!
Experience is colored by perception and how you think. But most importantly, the meaning you have attached to experiences and the way they make you feel. The power is held in the thoughts and intention. Take ownership of those feelings. You are responsible, only for the way you feel. The way you think and what you allow in your life.
Decisions others make are not about you. What people say is not about you. Don’t take anything personally. It is not about you. It is about them. As it should be. Countless hours can be wasted wondering how and why someone feels the way they do, thinking you somehow control this, but you do not. This is self-defeating. You can choose to respond, however be mindful not to react.
Positive praise is not about you either. It is about how the other person feels in your presence. Although positive praise is nice, it should not be required to validate self-worth, as you are already worthy. It is not necessary to experience happiness. If you need and crave validation, get it, and it stops…you will only need more. Self-validation satisfies you every time, as you control it.
Be the magic! Infuse your life with soul enriching, feel good, happy, joyful, loving experiences.
10 Ways to Be the Magic
1. Live in a place where the energy is light, uplifting, empowering. Bring that energy wherever you go.
2. Fill your spirit with joyful, uplifting news. Don’t listen or watch “bad news”. Be mindful regarding what you are watching, reading, or having conversations about. Choose the words you use carefully.
3. Talk about life’s wonderful possibilities, visions for a brighter future, hope, love and joy. Don’t talk about doom and gloom. Do not feed into fear. If you want change, be that change.
4. Keep your energy light, airy, carefree, happy and positive. Walk away from negative conversations. Excuse yourself gracefully and move on.
5. Focus on what you want, for yourself, collectively and mankind. Never place attention on what you do not want.
6. You are perfect where you stand. Realize that everyone is evolving at their own pace, even you.
7. Strive only to be better than the day before.
8. Choose your associations with care; naturally gravitate towards those aligned with your truth. Respect yourself enough to walk away from those which are not without judgment.
9. Make yourself happy. Get involved in activities and with people that are infused with “magic”. Experiences that feed and uplift your soul with goodness. You will never make everyone happy, and that is okay.
10. Stay grounded. Put your feet in the sand, walk through the forest, feel the wind and warm sun on your face, plant a garden, practice random acts of kindness, and gratitude.
Ultimately, the best place to be is one that feels good. Positive thoughts matched with happy feelings. How you experience life, without a doubt influences your health and wellbeing. You are of no service to yourself or others from any other place.
Does it sound selfish, caring about how you feel? No, not really. If someone was to say, “I don’t like the way you make me feel. You need to do this so that I can feel good!” Who is really the selfish one? Self soothe–make yourself feel good. Then, by default, others will feel good too. BE THE MAGIC!
The only thing you own is the way you feel. Choose to be surrounded by the magic. Be the magic. Hold the intention to be in the space where the energy is light, filled with promise and hope. Where you can be closer to the one feeling that matters the most…LOVE.
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About the Author
Passionate about health and spirituality, teaching, the arts, and living spherically, Gia’s journey has infused her writing and books with edgy, compassionate, inspiring, uplifting, poignant, motivational stories, health tips and spiritual practices with a creative and witty flare. A Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician, teacher, visionary writer, author, speaker, coach and intuitive life strategist, Gia’s mission is to motivate, empower, and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty, and love.

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