A Christmas Story – Finding Mother Mary

Finding Mother Mary
by Lisa K.
Christmas brought me my spirit guide…and I’ll tell you how.
I’m often asked, “How do you find out who your spirit guides are?” There are so many ways you can find out who your spirit guides are, and you may find that they reveal themselves to you.
First let’s talk about what a spirit guide is. A spirit guide is a general term that refers to a non-corporeal being that may be termed as consciousness, which is there to help guide you, and help you on your life’s path. Sometimes spirit guides can include your guardian angel, a passed loved one who is now in spirit, or an ascended master such as a saint or a wise one such as Buddha or Jesus, or may be a master who has never lived such as Ganesh or Quan Yin. Any one of these can be your spirit guide.
Getting back to how you find yours. Everyone has a guide or two, or more. They stand by your side waiting to help you, when you ask for it. You can ask for help in many ways, and they will respond, even if it is just a prayer to the Universe. Their job is to give you guidance and support.
They work with you through your intuition and your inner voice. They sometimes are your inner voice. You can even chose yourself who you want to be your guide. I always call on my angels. Though I recently discovered that one of my guides was always there for me, just waiting for me to recognize she was there.
They say that your guide may reveal themselves to you. You can be on the lookout for your guides as well to see if they are trying to make their presence known to you. Sometimes they become the ‘key theme’ that makes all the pieces come together and fit to make sense. You may find clues that pop up in your life, incidents or items and things around you that indicate they are saying hello. That is what happened to me. Perhaps my story can help you find yours.
I’d always wanted to know who my spirit guide was or guides were. I found one of my guides has always been with me, it just took me a while to know who it was. I was a bit surprised, to say the least, that is was Mother Mary. Perhaps that’s why it took so long for me to realize she had been with me all along, I didn’t expect her. I was not brought up Christian and didn’t know much about her. This is how it may work for you. The clues start to accumulate to the point where you can’t really ignore it any longer.
One day after I had just put up our new vacation photos of places and things which we love on our trips, I noticed that quite a few of the pictures were of Mother Mary’s statue. Then I realized, that I also had statues of Quan Yin, the goddess of mercy, who is often seen as the Chinese Mother Mary, all around my house. Those statues I inherited from my family, so they had been around me all my life. On our trips around the world, I love to visit sacred places, whether they are Christian churches, Catholic Cathedrals, Hindu Temples or even Native American sacred sites.
When I can, I collect icons that attract me, a statue here, or a picture there. I began to notice quite a few of what I purchased were depictions of the Virgin Mary. Certainly, I had another saint here or there, but mostly it was Mother Mary. She was surrounding me at home!
Then on vacation, it was our last day in Paris and we happened to not have any plans for that day. My husband said, pick a place to go on this last day that you’d like to visit. I immediately searched for sacred places in Paris, and one that popped up online was the Chapel of our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. I had no idea what the miraculous medal was but I really wanted to go there, so we did.
The chapel is a place where a nun had a famous vision of Mother Mary who told her to create this medal, a medallion that people could wear to remind them of Mother Mary’s love and the power it has to heal. The Miraculous Medal has been worn by millions of people, and it depicts Mother Mary stamped on it with her rays of love emanating from her hands down to earth. I came home with quite a few medals.
Most recently, around Halloween, I was walking through a small town near home to go to a restaurant. As I crossed the street, I noticed lying in my path was a shiny round object. It looked like a big oversized plastic toy ring that looked like a child may have dropped it accidentally.
I picked it up and noticed it was very sparkly and was actually made of metal. It had ten small ball shaped bumps all around the ring and something that looked like a flower with three triangular petals in between two of the balls. I was very curious as to what it was as we sat over dinner. Posting a photo of it on Facebook, people instantly recognized it as a rosary ring. It is for saying prayers to Mother Mary! Again, she came into my life, so surreptitiously.
You may be able to discover who is divinely guiding you in your life, if you are open to finding your spirit guide, by just thinking back on what symbols, signs, icons or names keep showing up for you. Don’t despair if you can’t find a ton of evidence. It took many years for me to discover Mother Mary.
Here’s another one. It also just so happens that a church I chose to join nine years ago was not because of its name but because a friend brought me there. I found it was the perfect place for my views of spirituality and Christianity, which is more open and encompassing of all that I believe. The church’s name is: The Church of St. Mary the Virgin.
So now, as I think back, pondering where else she may have shown up, in my life, I’m reminded of some unforgettable, vivid dreams I had as a small child-very young, about four years old-where I was surrounded by deep sky blue and had an overwhelming feeling of being back ‘home’, strong mother love and feeling safe. It was one of those vivid lucid dreams that stays with you. Perhaps that was Mother Mary, even though I didn’t know who she was then. Her colors are often depicted as sky blue.
I didn’t look for her, she found me, or perhaps she helped me discover that she has always been there. While there was never any religion in our house hold growing up, we did celebrate Christmas. It has always been my most favorite time of year, mostly because of the unconditional love I feel people have in the spirit of Christmas. That spirit is the unconditional love of Mother Mary which is defines her spirit. A mother’s unconditional love is like no other and Christmas is all about mother and child.
That’s how Christmas brought me my spirit guide. Perhaps your spirit guide is calling out to you in similar ways to Mother Mary reaching out to me? Look around and see what you find. Perhaps it’s a something sitting on your desk, or in your photo album. Maybe it’s a dream or statue that you keep seeing. Your guides won’t be obtrusive, they aren’t going to interfere with your life unless you want them to. Ask them to reveal themselves to you, and then be on the lookout for what shows up!
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About the Author
Lisa K. is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Lisa teaches Developing Your Intuition both online and in-person. Known as the intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Lisa K.’s public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth,” on everyday spirituality. Get a Free eBook with 16 intuition exercises you can do alone plus more information about Lisa’s events and workshops sign up at: http://www.LMK88.com

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