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Gemini Full Moon

Gemini Full Moon


This round robin of energy feeds fieriness in thoughts and emotions — from frustration, self-righteous anger, prejudice and political outrage to lust for life and adventure, high spirits and passion of any kind.  It’s motivating, activating, energizing and warming, causing impulses to spark and flare and rush out without premeditation, delivering the courage and firepower to think and speak boldly.

The fire trine is pumping up the individuating, liberating, rebellious impulses we’ve all been feeling. They’re one end of the tectonic plate-shifting building from the Uranus/Pluto square, which will be exact for the 6th out of 7 times on the 15th. The imperative to change has been hammering our foundations since the squares began in 2012. By this point the process has morphed from disruption and turmoil to our coming to grips with what has changed and taking action to deal with it. As the cosmic conveyor belt takes us to this next stage of remodeling and restructuring, the grand fire trine is inciting us to pick up our tools, knock down teetering walls and crumbling plates and commandeer the next construction phase.

There’s a significant therapeutic element, too. That comes from the tight, dynamic link between the Gemini Full Moon’s ruler Mercury and Chiron, which represents our abiding wound and the challenge of mastering it to become fully human. The time is ripe for moving past isolationist thinking and realizing (a) you are not alone and (b) we are all in this life together. Rewriting your scripts and backstory is also timely. The Mercury/Chiron push encourages neutralizing wounded thought patterns and hitting a point of peace and resolution.

Dump your mental trash. Be mindful of what you are exposed to in your information flow. Ditch avenues of communication that are punching your wounds, or reinforcing limiting thoughts, or fouling your mood, outlook or experience of life. Stop engaging with people who make you feel bad or throw negativity around like monkeys flinging you-know-what in a cage.

See Also
The Year of the OX

Pay attention to where your thoughts gravitate, to the words you routinely use, and to the beliefs you speak and live. If you find negativity, intervene. Reframe and rephrase like a demon.  Do a burning ritual in a fire pit or tall, safe bowl. Burn away the bad things you say about yourself, your life, your prospects, other people. Factor in forgiveness, too. Don’t worry about going overboard. That vibe is in the air. Work it to your advantage.

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