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8 Re-gifting Rules for the Holidays

8 Re-gifting Rules for the Holidays


What are the Re-gifting Rules?

By Diane Gottsman

The holidays are here and each year we consider the age old question… “Is it okay to be re-gifting?” The answer may surprise you, although most of us have done it at one time or another.

Re-gifting is fine.  It is perfectly appropriate to give another person an item that doesn’t fit you, or suit your particular needs or lifestyle. The only caveat is to proceed with respectful caution.


8 Re-gifting Rules

Re-gifting Rule #1 – Keep it in the original box. Don’t switch out a sweater from a less expensive name brand store into a bag that appears more chic and exclusive. Keep in mind the receiver may love it but might want to return it for another size or color without telling you.

Re-gifting Rule #2 – Re-gift away from the same circle of friends. In a perfect world, the person that would most love it and put it to good use would live in another city or state. That would take care of a lot of the stress of the original giver finding out.

Re-gifting Rule #3 – Avoid a test run. A new gift is better than giving something that you have already worn or used. If you try the gift out and decide it’s not for you, the better thing to do would be honest and offer it to another person by saying, “I love this cologne but it doesn’t agree with me. I know it’s your favorite and I’d like for you to have it.”

Re-gifting Rule #4 – Don’t delay. If the gift is a food item, you will want to give it to someone during its optimum window of freshness. Food re-gifts are a safe option because they are consumed fairly quickly – unless the giver waits too long, or the receiver decides to re-gift it again.

Re-gifting Rule #5 – Give with good intention. If you are confident that your friend or family member will appreciate the gift, by all means give it. Wrap it beautifully and be sure to include a pretty card.

Re-gifting Rule #6 – Never re-gift ugly. The adage “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” may hold true, but if you find the gift to be used, old, or ugly, don’t pass it on to someone you care about. If it’s something that perhaps is still good – just not gift worthy – donate it to a non-profit organization that can repurpose it.

Re-gifting Rule #7 – Consider full disclosure. No one says you must give the gift as a “new” gift, purchased by you. If the gift is pleasant, just not your particular taste, you can say, “Would you like this purse? It’s a bit large for me to carry around but I know you love larger bags.”

See Also

Re-gifting Rule #8 – Think twice before giving away a family heirloom or something hand made by someone special. There is a time and place to justify giving away a gift you have been given. When the present is from someone whose feelings would be extremely hurt if they knew the gift had been given away, take one for the team and put the gift away in a safe place. Bring it out when they visit, and use it if it’s important to them. You are showing courtesy and respect for your friend or family member.

And, Gottsman says, “The third Thursday in December is National Re-gifting Day, established by You may want to mark your calendar.”

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About the Author

Diane Gottsman specializes in executive leadership and etiquette training, with clients ranging from university students to Fortune 500 companies, and her seminars cover topics ranging from tattoos in the workplace to technology at the dinner table and the proper use of social media. Her advice is backed by a Master’s Degree in Sociology with an emphasis on adult behavior. Visit

View Comment (1)
  • #8: I disagree with this one ~ what about respecting someone through polite honesty? I would never want someone to pretend they liked a gift from me to make me feel good. Sharing their true self with me is much more important to me.

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