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Temple Hayes: When Did You Die?

Temple Hayes: When Did You Die?

OMTIMES: You use the term “your dreams are waiting on you to come true” in the book; what do you mean by that?

Temple Hayes: You are the one YOU have been waiting for. We all have dreams. Dreams must be big enough to keep us stretching into doing modern-day miracles, while at the same time the same dreams will require us to come true to ourselves.

We will have to face our inner critic, we will have to face and overcome many fears of rejection and inadequacies. We may have to give up small things, people and places in order to step into a larger arena. We will have to give up being robotic in a chicken coop in order to step into being a real eagle.

As we step into our real selves, we become the person our dreams are waiting for.

See Also

Temple_HayesWhen Did You Die_OmtimesTemple Hayesis the author of When Did You Die? 8 Steps to Stop Dying Every Day and Start Waking Up (HCI Books) is a spiritual trailblazer–one of the most respected and authentically inspiring leaders in spiritual enrichment today and a sought-after speaker. She is Unity minister in St. Petersburg Fl., with a global following, and an extremely popular radio show.

For more information, go to

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