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Jean Houston: Unlocking Our Quantum Powers

Jean Houston: Unlocking Our Quantum Powers


Jane _Houston_omtimesBut I can tell you this: if bad things happen to you, it’s not because the Universe is against you at all; it’s because the workings of the Universe, and of reality, are far more complex than can be easily comprehended or intuited.

OMTimes: Can you talk a little about how the Universe works?

Jean Houston: The Universe is energy—the same energy that is the source of our being and everything there is. The difference between ourselves and everything else is that the Universe is alive and conscious in us. And because of this, we can engage in what the Buddhists have called “interdependant co-arising,” meaning that you and the Universe enter into a kind of conscious partnership in which you co-create your experience of reality rather than falling into place of apathy and denial.

Rather than thinking of the Universe as a vast, complex and intimidating unknown, the Universe can really be perceived more like a friend you’ve grown up with for your entire life, and who will be always right there beside you, helping you and enjoying the fruits of every challenge and discovery you experience in every day of your life.

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In fact, the greatest scientific discovery of all time is indeed the realization modern Quantum Physics first uncovered in the early 20th century but which was long known in Eastern philosophies and native cultures—the fact that everything in the Universe is only this singular energy in a constant state of change. And the further discovery that consciousness itself is the underlying organizing principle of the entire Universe is not unlike the 800-pound gorilla in the room that can no longer be ignored… Because with this understanding of how the Universe works, Quantum Physics is introducing us to ways of seeing the world and our place in it that are just beginning to profoundly impact human thinking, feeling, sensing, knowing and being.

OMTimes: That seems like a revolution in perception that is only just beginning to take hold in our culture. Would you agree?

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