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Louise Hay: Loving Yourself to Great Health

Louise Hay: Loving Yourself to Great Health

Heather-Dane_01022014_OMTimesA 21st Century Medicine Woman, Heather Dane to reveal the other side of her secret to health, happiness, and longevity.


Heather Dane is a writer, Researcher, and certified professional coach specializing in resolving chronic health Conditions, addictions, eating disorders, methylation challenges, and out-of-balance lifestyles. After recovering naturally from so-called incurable chronic digestive disorders, bulimia, and depression, Heather discovered how to identify and solve symptoms at the root-cause level.

She believes that there is no such thing as an incurable illness—there is only an invitation to come back to loving yourself. Heather has researched and worked with many of the great minds in medicine, natural health, nutrition, and energy healing. Her expertise in designing healing nutrition protocols led her to create hundreds of easy, delicious recipes (including desserts!) to transform the experience of “health food” into healthy gourmet.

OMTIMES: Your clients refer to you as the 21st Century Medicine Woman. How did you become interested in natural health and healing practices?

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Heather Dane: Stories of health and healing have been told in my family for generations. On my father’s side, I get my Native American roots. My great grandmother was the clan mother of the tribe, which was matrilineal and gender equal. There was a deep reverence for the earth and nature’s healing remedies, along with the power of story in healing. From my father’s side, I developed a fascination with natural healing and ancient remedies. On my mother’s side of the family were generations of doctors. As early as the 1700’s, my ancestors practiced medicine even before there were medical degrees. My great-great aunt was a medical doctor at a time before women were accepted in the workforce. She lived until she was 113 and at the age of 80, she opened a nursing home to provide care for the elderly. This side of my family has passed down nutrition and supplement advice for a few generations. I can still remember my great aunt telling me how her grandfather stressed the importance of vitamin B12, a supplement that today’s research calls the “master key” supplement and that we write about in Loving Yourself to Great Health.

What brought it all together for me was experiencing my own health struggles. Suffering from depression, digestive distress and bulimia, I was at a loss for how to recover. Experts in mainstream medicine and psychology did not have the answers for me and were convinced that I had an “incurable” disease. So I did what my ancestors did. I looked deeper into the medical research and studied nature’s remedies. It was when I focused on nutrition, my thoughts and my lifestyle that I was able to heal. I believe Louise Hay is 100% correct when she says that when you get your thoughts right and your food right, everything falls into place. Once I did this, recovery was simple and effortless. Today, I believe that illness is an invitation to come back to self-love.

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