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Louise Hay: Loving Yourself to Great Health

Louise Hay: Loving Yourself to Great Health

OMTIMES: For your first book, you collaborated with Louise Hay and Ahlea Khadro. How did the three of you come to write Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food – The Ultimate Diet?

Heather Dane: I met Louise Hay eight years ago at a nutrition seminar in Los Angeles. We bonded over how delicious healing food could be and a love for learning all we could about health and healing. A year later, Louise introduced me to Ahlea Khadro, and it was like finding my giggling and wellness soul mates. We have been giggling ever since, all while unlocking the secrets—both ancient and new—that help people heal. Having these two amazing women come into my life has been the greatest gift.Loving Yourself_Hayhouse_Omtimes

Ahlea has been working as Louise’s health advocate/coach for 11 years and I joined their team about 3 years ago. Together, we have discovered some cutting edge ways to blend modern medicine with ancient healing practices that were so exciting that we had to share them with as many people as possible. For decades, Louise has helped people heal by changing the way they think. This was her opportunity, at 87 years old, to come together with Ahlea and me to spread the word about her other area of expertise: nutrition.

In Loving Yourself to Great Health, we provide insight into why health issues are on the rise and how to gently allow them to dissolve, so that people can live happy, healthy lives. After traveling extensively with Louise for almost 3 years, I am in constant awe at how healthy and young she is. One night, she turned to me and said, “I feel like I’m as young and you” and I said, “Yes, you absolutely are.” She truly lives what we write about in the book and I am so grateful that others can benefit from learning the tips that have kept her so youthful and healthy.

See Also

OMTIMES: Why do you think people’s relationship with food is so important?

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