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Louise Hay: Loving Yourself to Great Health

Louise Hay: Loving Yourself to Great Health

Heather Dane: These days, I’m most passionate about the latest research in gut health and genetics. Anyone who has read Dr. Bruce Lipton’s book, The Biology of Belief, knows that his experiments showed that it’s not genes that control whether we are healthy or not, it’s our environment — or our perception. Science is showing more and more how right on he is!

A few years ago, I started studying the topic of methylation. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, methylation is a biochemical process that occurs billions of times every second, affects just about every system in the human body and is essential for health and longevity. Methylation affects your digestion, nervous system, hormones, moods, energy and more. Some doctors, naturopaths and researchers are starting to study our genes and how they affect methylation.

You may have issues with methylation if you have the following symptoms:

• Poor nerve function (muscle twitching, numbness, weakness)

• Fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome

• Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, mood disorders

• Autoimmune issues, cancer, diabetes, thyroid issues

• Abdominal issues – Chron’s, IBS, digestive issues

• Poor grown and development

• Cholesterol issues

• Hormone issues

• Histamine problems

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joshua coburn

• Difficulty detoxing

• Chronic illness that doesn’t seem to get better, no matter what you do.

• Baffling, mysterious health issues that doctors can’t figure out.

In the past couple of years, I’ve been working with clients on recovering from mood issues, addictions and other chronic health conditions by looking at their genes and helping them heal with food, lifestyle and supplements. So let’s say you have a gene for Hashimoto’s (a thyroid condition) or depression…If you are not loving yourself with healthy food, plenty of rest and exercise — or if you are full of stress and burning the candle at both ends — one of the genes might “turn on” and you might begin to experience symptoms.

Maybe you have fatigue, low libido or other symptoms of a low thyroid. Or perhaps you experience irritability, mood swings or depression. The key to helping your body heal is to first focus on the symptoms that are expressing. These symptoms are your body’s way of telling you what is out of balance. When you match the symptoms with the related genetic mutations, you get the answers for a nutrition, supplement and lifestyle protocol that is tailored to the individual. Most protocols to improve methylation involve better nutrition because gut health is critical to proper methylation. A lot of this has to do with the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. You see, neuroscience already teaches us that bacteria is considered “auxiliary DNA” and that these bacteria can turn on or turn off our gene expressions (also known as turning on or turning off symptoms).

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