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Oracle for January 2015 – Willpower

Oracle for January 2015 – Willpower


by Darity Wesley


Willpower – The energies and directions for the month of January, as we kick off the year of 2015 and focus on busting illusions, which is what the entire year of 2015 is about (do check out the Oracle for 2015 if you haven’t already), are evolving around bringing our attention to finding the inner discipline to stick with and expand our spiritual practices, the things we are here to do and the person we are here to be…so do, read on…

Since it is January and it is the beginning of the year, I think we can agree that one of the most important things we have learned lately is that opening to our spiritual path more and more is the direction into which we are being guided. This Oracle is here to remind us and to encourage us to commit to a deeper level of discipline with regard to our time, experience and consciousness in engaging in our spiritual practices for this year and particularly for this month of January.

This kind of discipline brings us power from the non-physical. Our angels, guides and spirits deepen our relationship with ourselves and with God, Spirit, the Universe, whatever you wish to call that energy, that love! It is now more important than ever to connect more directly with our Divine Pipeline as we broaden our understanding of truth and who we are in relation to it. This supports us as we bust through the illusions bit by bit.

We always like to define our terms here on the Oracle so that we are all clear on the meaning of our words. I can hardly not do it with the word “Willpower” even though we pretty much have that down for a meaning. So, for definition sake, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Willpower as “the ability to control yourself.” That’s big, eh? Well, that is what we are talking about on a spiritual level. It goes further and says that Willpower is “strong determination that allows you to do something difficult.” Again this is what we are talking about here. The practice of willpower in the way we are discussing it here does, indeed, bring the need for strong determination because we need to change our lives and our perspectives.

We may or may not have learned yet that part of the illusion to bust with our willpower is that of being a slave to and directed by our moods, our thoughts and things that are happening to us. It is only by the exercise of our power to change that we can take our life in our hands and use this knowledge to enhance and take charge rather than passively allowing ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, to blame others, circumstances, our parents, our teachers, anyone other than understanding that We and We alone are indeed in charge of our lives. With the exercise of our willpower and following our Spirit, that still small voice within, we can bust the illusion that we are not.

Another part of using our willpower to support our lives this month is to realize that whatever it is that is happening to us is our teacher. I use that concept a lot. It helps me get through some tough places as I am a true believer that I create my own reality (and co-create with those around me).

I take responsibility for everything in my life and therefore, whatever this is, is here for a reason. And, because I have been around and on the path for so long, I also know that we do not necessarily always get to find out what that reason is. Yet, if we have used our willpower, that strong determination, to respond rather react and to integrate rather than blame or put it on someone else, we are directed to pray or meditate to calm ourselves, to be reflective about a person, place or situation. These are all ways within which we use our willpower to support us on our spiritual path.

Another aspect is, if we have the absolute willpower to look at ourselves and our patterns, habits, etc. and if we are able to overcome our resistance to do that, I assure you that while it seems hard at first, we will find spiritual growth the result of this work. We have to trust that, we have to know that it will bring feelings of confidence, understanding that we can and will indeed receive the guidance that we are wanting. It is as much about trust as willpower. It is important to trust ourselves in order to be able to use the willpower that is inherent in who we are.

When we decide that we are no longer going to be run by what is out there and instead turn within to use our willpower to live our life, we will know that we and our angels, guides, God, Spirit the Universe are all supporting us and we will realize the depth of our inner knowing or at least one of the levels of it. It seems like there is always more and more!

Remember, this Oracle is always just a sign post. An opportunity for us to exercise our real live, true knowing deep in our hearts that there is, indeed, more than this third dimensional reality of us versus them, the righteousness of making others wrong. Releasing the illusion that we and we alone have the answer to anything let alone everything for everyone or anyone else is part of this change. Needless to say, a lot of people are still hooked into that illusion.

Willpower is as much about commitment and discipline as it is about strength of mind, body and spirit in the face of challenges, drama, and resistance to the illusions of duality. Now, this month of January, is the time to take up the challenge to make sure we are spending enough of our energies, other than on our life situation and the dramas that are appearing every day for us to face off, to take care of and to deal with our spiritual pursuits.

I highly recommend that exercising our willpower to stay strong in the face of the changes coming to this world, knowing in our hearts that really All Is Well, is a value for everyone on the spiritual path as we are, indeed, all one energy and the collective wellness spreads. It is a tool for us to begin, continue or expand allowing our Spirit guides the opportunity to support us. And since we are now stepping into the energies of 2015, which will be very intense as we step more and more into our new landscape, our new lives, our new, true positions, we know this, too, is added to our toolkit.

See Also

As with all signposts, this Oracle points us to consider expanding our spiritual consciousness and remembering, always, that Love and Trust will follow our attention. Focus on exercising your willpower when confronted with the varied experiences coming to you this month that require you to be strong and stable in who you are now, who you have become. We are to constantly remind ourselves to move into our heart centers while using our willpower in any situation this month.

This Oracle is here to encourage us, yet again and always, to step into our real true self, be wholly who we are! It is here to support the expansion of our Spirits. Know that Spirit supports you each and every step of the way. Always remember…LOVE is all you need…

Let your mantra for the month of January be: I AM committed to improving my spiritual practices using my willpower to overcome challenges and obstacles in order to be a more loving and compassionate person on Earth…And So It Is!!!

About the Author

Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2015 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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