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The Holey/Holy Heart Club

The Holey/Holy Heart Club


Do you belong to the Holey Heart Club? Learn how to use your membership for a better life.

How many times have you experienced this? Feeling that there is a missing piece, a hole in your heart. In those moments the profound ache and the desire to fill in what is missing is so incredibly intense. It leads you to grasp at solutions and people that just don’t fit. That could never fit. Why? What is really happening?

The world you live in operates in duality. Good/bad, pleasure/pain and even male/female are examples of this duality. Why? It was designed this way so you would have all the experiences needed for personal growth and realization. These polar opposites serve you, and through your experience you label and judge and define self. While you might label love as good while riding a wave of bliss, what happens as it hits the shore and retreats back into the ocean? If everything you experience is for your growth, what does a broken heart teach?

It doesn’t have to be love, many people who are in stable relationships have the sensation of a hole, an aching heart. Perhaps feeling it you equate it to your job, or not having a better house or car for surely that would fix it. Does it? Is the answer really that simple? Or are the things reached for whether a new lover, house, car, job merely a temporary distraction?

Distractions pull you out into the world for more lessons. An endless cycle, because as the old saying goes, history will repeat until the lesson is learned. What lesson? It can be maddening, sometimes you think you know. You have worked through it, understood what you did wrong, and decided never to do that again. Okay, universe, got it now; let’s move on! Surprise, your newly wrapped experience is just a different version of the old. What now? It’s all just smoke and mirrors. The distracting smoke that occludes your vision, and the fun house mirror of distortion.

Are you ready to turn on the fan, open the doors and windows? Find the glass cleaner and get to work! Now, without the distractions and distortions, look again. Consider that all this time you have used others as mirrors, to see aspects of self. This is to explore your world, experience the dualities it holds, to quantify it for you. So that by using the ruler you created you can measure. What are you measuring really? Look into the mirror, and say it….. Mirror, mirror on the wall.

Why is that hole in your heart? The reason is not out there in the world. You may search for it there, however that journey will lead only to provide another beautifully wrapped re-gifted lesson. This happens not out of malice, rather just to give you another opportunity to learn, understand and grow. Define and refine until you have that Eureka moment. The moment you realize you don’t have a hole in the heart, you have instead a Holy Heart.

Your Holy Heart is Divine. Instead of searching outside yourself, look within. Connect with the true you, your Divine self. All this time you looked, searched for the very thing you already possess. Once you process and assimilate this truth everything shifts. Nothing is out there, for it all is an illusion. Rumi says that you are not a drop of the ocean, rather the ocean in a drop. Your most important lesson is to accept that very profound truth. Your work is take that truth and live that way. The way that expresses you as a Divine being, in a temporary physical wrapper. Need to feel love? Love yourself and all the perfect, imperfections that make you as a unique expression of the Divine in this lifetime. Care for yourself and cherish every experience knowing each only unfolds in order for you to learn and grow.

Consider everyone as a Divine Holy Heart, even if they still are in the midst of the smoky distractions and the fun house mirrors of misconceptions. Think also about what would happen if everyone awoke and realized the truth of themselves. How would the world change? The world would change in an instant. It wouldn’t be necessary to have such intense experiences such as hungry children, violent acts and chaos. Those lessons would be antiquated. Everyone would be experiencing themselves and expressing themselves as the Divine. The world would reflect that, for it is just your mirror and when the distractions are no longer necessary they simply disappear. Thank your Holy Heart and let it be so.

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About the Author

Lynn Zambrano advises and trains empaths all over the world to use their gifts to change their lives and the lives of others. You CAN feel better.

Visit her at or email and learn more!

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