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Understanding the Orbs in Your Meditations

Understanding the Orbs in Your Meditations


In Living Color: Understanding the Orbs in Your Meditations

Modern meditation is encouraged as a healing tool, and we may see different colors of orbs as we become mindful. Meditation is prescribed by medical doctors and scientists to calm the mind and body, reducing stress and subsequently decreasing the effects of illness or pain. This use of meditation, certainly lauded by spiritual practitioners, somehow overlooks the true purpose of the practice: to align with the Divine and channel its pure, loving energy into the physical world. I often think of the chiropractor’s bumper sticker, which reads, “Healing the world one spine at a time.” The meditator’s credo could be, “Loving the world, one soul at a time.” The mystics in Hinduism and other meditation-based traditions affirm the purpose of meditation as eventual alignment of all humanity with the Source in transcendent peace. We evolve as a species when we raise our vibration individually; we reap collective benefits.

On a temporal level, the doctors are right: when we meditate, we slow our heart and pulse rates, giving the body respite for healing, and in practicing mindfulness we do eventually quell fears and anxieties. But really, the gifts of meditation extend beyond the body-mind continuum and open us to spiritual experience. Beginning meditators, expecting darkness and stillness, might be surprised when they enter a realm full of color and light soon after closing their eyes, but they might be uncertain about those energies. Experienced meditators know them as our spiritual support system, higher energies that welcome us as waves of light, gracefully wafting colors, each with a particular vibration and purpose.


Common Colors of Orbs in Meditation:

Many practical techniques exist to bring us to the state of deep relaxation: rhythmic or focused breathing, guided visualization, chanting, sound vibrations, and music, but no matter which route we choose to find those precious moments of inner peace, when we settle in to the deep, undisturbed state of consciousness, we experience the same phenomena: a mobile palette of changing colors. The move slowly at first, present themselves for a second or two, and drift by, much like our thoughts. They magnify, zoom in closer, penetrating the third eye (the very sensitive space between our eyebrows) to the point of our actually feeling a pressure or tingling there. Then they move by, swirl in again, one color at a time. These colors intensify with increased meditation practice, becoming welcome visitors who arrive as soon as we close our eyes and settle in. What are they? Or who are they? And what do they mean?

Beginning meditators will often see faint light, almost a white mist that seems to float by and transform the darkness behind the eyes. This is the first level of spiritual contact as we leave the physical plane and commune with higher energies. After this initial light, they will see a wider spectrum of color without density, almost sheer. Accompanying this may be flashes of light that last for an instant: bright white light, bright gold sparks. Then the colors deepen, begin to swirl, become larger, amorphous, and float toward you, almost as if they are touching or actually anointing you.

Many spiritual practitioners see these floating orbs as spirits guides, emissaries from the Godly realm. Others view it them as the opening of our third eye, allowing us to perceive multidimensional reality. The most common colors to see in this altered state are gold, violet, magenta, and blue.

The blue ball entering our field of vision is a universal meditative experience that has been given much attention by the ancients and gurus. When the third eye opens, we see a beaming indigo/cobalt blue ball, known as the “blue pearl,” which moves forward toward your third eye. It increases in intensity each time we meditate.

Anup Taneja wrote in The Times of India, “Pearl is the vehicle through which the soul leaves the body after death and travels to different astral zones, depending upon one’s stage of spiritual evolution.” The Blue Pearl signals third eye activation that enables our perception and vision on many higher planes and clairvoyance on the earth plane.

Gold light also greets us in meditation. With a very high vibration, it invites personal transformation. A golden chakra, the transpersonal chakra, is said to exist above our crown; the welcoming energies of this wafting, gold light connects us to this energy center. It is pure and loving, protective, and healing. It takes us beyond the self as we leave the physical, temporary world behind.

Many of us see a deep radiating magenta, with a heavier density and a warmer, spreading sensation. Representing Divine love, it unifies all levels of existence. This is our core, the essence of the self we strive to be: our Divine self. It promotes harmony within so we can sew harmony without. Seekers are sometimes moved to tears when embraced by the magenta light.

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Lastly, we meet the violet flame, which is said to be the highest frequency on the color spectrum, related to the violet ray, one of seven spiritual levels on which we operate. This is the color of the ascended masters and invites us to release and transmute our karma. Many meditations focus on the violet ray of healing alone. Its holds powerful energy and promise for our spiritual evolution.

When you meditate, be receptive to and enjoy these energies which come to us as gifts. As you accept them, you will share your light with others.

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About the Author

Lisa Shaw is a Reiki Master, animal communicator, spiritual teacher, writer, and professor. She lives in South Florida with her animal family. Her e-book, Illumination: Life Lessons from our Animal Companions, is available on Amazon/Kindle and her web page is

View Comments (3)
  • What might it mean if orbs show in a video of an infant? It’s obvious that the baby sees the orbs

  • I’m reading a lot about turmeric and it’s effect on animals. If you can find a turmeric FB page, perhaps it will be helpful. Prayers.

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