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And The Word Said….

And The Word Said….


Think of a children’s story. We read these to our little ones for entertainment but also to assist us in explaining something through the use of examples. When we can formulate a scenario in our mind, it is easier for us to understand.

So too with spiritual writings. Some will seem to grab us and feel true to us while others are very difficult for us to embrace. Try asking the following:

~ What if we were to read these as though they were parables or myths instead of taking everything literally from their pages?

~ When were they written and by whom?

~ Do they seem to reflect the thoughts and words of particular era?

~ Can you find a message within the writings that you feel can be adapted today?

~ If it is something you have read in the past, does it seem to mean the same to you today?

See Also
Spiritual Shadow Work

Often when we go back and reread one of these writings we will see it in a different light. The words are the same but our thoughts and beliefs have changed. The words take on new meaning and those that once even frightened us will have new light.

Perhaps some of the ancient texts have much more wisdom than we have given them credit for. Through man’s twisted interpretations the true meaning has many times been distorted. Over the years the sacred writings were kept from the general populations and the people relied on priests and the teachers to tell them what the written.

Have you ever experienced this? Are your ideas of spiritual matters based solely on what you were told or have you taken time to evaluate for yourself what it is you believe to be true? Many say they know “The Word of God” but in actuality have never studied the sacred texts or openly questioned what was written. On the other hand, many deny all that is written without ever having read anything about that belief system.

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