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2015 Aquarius New Moon Forecast

2015 Aquarius New Moon Forecast


February 2015 Aquarius New Moon

Astrology Forecast

February 18, 2015

29 Leo 59 / 29 Aquarius 59

February’s Aquarius New Moon starts the approach to the awakenings that will take us into spring. The event is as quirky and distinctive as the sign it occupies. Like January’s, this Moon is in Aquarius, but with a vastly different textures. It is like a diving board that propels us into objectivity, then drops us into boundless emotion and interconnectedness.

This Aquarius New Moon is at the last minute of the last degree of the sign, so far along that it may as well be Pisces. In fact, the Sun and the Moon both slide into Pisces only minutes after meeting. Their movement spotlights friendships, dreams and wishes while also immersing us in retreat, self-reflection and an inescapable awareness that more change is on the way. The quick transition is propelling and confusing, dousing cool intellect with empathy and sensitivity, tossing detachment like a life preserver to keep us afloat on the vast sea of life.

The blending is a paradox. It’s a gift, too, that allows connecting and communing without losing the self. Hang on to the ability to distance and the self awareness that brings. Your sanity may, at times, depend on them. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is blowing his cosmic fog machine into the Aquarius New Moon. The clouds he’s sending off soften the air and blur our perceptions. Are we in another dimension? A movie? A fairy tale? A dream? Is someone lying to us? Are we lying to ourselves?

These questions are neither idle nor fleeting. They will be with us throughout the year, as Saturn, the lord of order, rules and structures, clashes with Neptune, the ruler of transcendence, illusion and delusion. The build up of this clash is part of the configuration of this Aquarius New Moon. The clash forces the question of what is real and what is an illusion — particularly in our beliefs and view of the world — and challenges us to build a bridge between what goes on in our heads and what occurs in outer, tangible reality.

The configuration reverberates with another big, defining event that’s growing: the final square between cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto, which has been dismantling and reshaping the foundations on which we have built our lives. Halfway between Uranus and Pluto, the Aquarius New Moon rumbles with shockwaves that precede their final tectonic plate shifts in March.

It’s going to be disorienting. Times out are a prudent response. Take quiet dream; soak in the tub; nap; linger in bed. Breaking out of your everyday may open floodgates to higher guidance, inspiration and telepathic communication.

Thankfully, a sweetness and gentleness pervades social interactions. That’s due to the current harmony between the cosmic couple Venus and Mars, rulers of our desires and drives to fulfill them. As this Aquarius New Moon takes place, they are together, at the end of Pisces, encouraging love, compassion, tenderness and making room for others (and maybe excuses and sacrifices for them, too). That softness quickly gives way to fiery, independent, devil-may-care impulses, as Mars and then Venus enter Aries and hook up directly in the days right after the Aquarius New Moon. Their conjunction, the first of three this year, fuses masculine and feminine (or active and receptive) energies in hunter/warrior mode. This fireball of passion, drive and daring pounces first and asks questions later, if at all. Just when we’re floating comfortably with blessed companions, jet packs are engaging right and left, churning up the waters and carrying people off.

So more paradoxes await. This Aquarius New Moon outfits us with objectivity and shoves us in the brink; cloaks us in fog and compels us to rethink how we define reality; softens our hearts to our fellow men (and maybe a special someone) and then lights a fire in our hearts and elsewhere that spurs us to action. Alright, that last pairing may not be a paradox. It may be an organic progression, not to mention the venting, at last, of pressures that have been building and building.

See Also

How we act and react is positioning us for the gauntlet of change we’re entering. Life force is beginning to flare in all of us. Spring may technically be weeks away, but new growth is already bursting out all around.

Learn more in Kathy’s astro-overview for 2015 and her Getting Started guides for each sign.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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