4 Steps to Finding Your X Factor
Finding Your X Factor
by Sarah Delamere Hurding
The X factor is something indescribable, but we all recognize it when we see it. It is a magical principle, person or event, which contains a compelling quality that draws us in. When the X factor is in full operation, we experience something that inspires us, fascinates us and possibly makes us a little envious. Star quality is intangible, yet so recognizable.
Would you like to know how to work with the universe to boost your own X factor?
The good news is that there are many wonderful ways you can boost the magical happenings in your own life. It is no secret that it is possible to create the life of your dreams by focusing your intentions. If we tap into this cosmic truth and work with it effectively, it is literally possible to ground many good things. Is it really possible to live the life of your dreams by focusing your intentions? The answer is absolutely YES.
Science supports the Law of Attraction, and its relationship to Quantum Physics is fascinating. The whole universe is made up of different frequencies of atoms, which manifest as both solid matter and etheric energy. The energy we align ourselves to dictates what will unfold. This is the key to your X Factor
4 Steps to Finding Your X Factor
X Factor Step #1 – Define your Intentions
It is crucial to commit yourself fully to your goals and intentions in order for this to work. If you harbor any doubts or wobbles, well then you might as well sit back and observe the failure. The success of this attracting principle is that it requires your faith first and foremost.
It is fundamentally important to be very specific in what you are manifesting. The universe does not like uncertainty or dithering. Life responds to our definite action and focused intention. We must remain detached and not too invested in the outcome, so it is a fine line of intention and detachment that works best.
The best way to work out what you really want is to ask yourself why you want it. Be very honest with yourself here. It will not work if you fudge issues, and do not understand why you want what you want. If you want a new partner because you do not want to be alone, then you can expect the results to be less than ideal. The best way to attract the right partner is to be totally comfortable with yourself at home alone. Plus, have a very clear picture of the qualities you would like to see in your other half.
Before you finalize what you are really working towards, be absolutely sure you will enjoy the results. Use your imagination. How do you feel when you are experiencing this new situation? Are you stressed that you will lose it all or are you relaxing and enjoying the results of your manifestation? This clue is often the difference between success and failure. You know that expression, be careful what you wish for? Well, it is absolutely TRUE.
When you are manifesting, it is important to phrase your requests carefully, both in your mind’s eye and with your words. The most effective intention you can hold is to put out for this or something better. This gives the universe a chance to deliver on something that could prove to be ten times better than what you had originally wished for. Always remember, the universe sees around corners.
X Factor Step #21 – Feel it Already
When you are manifesting, it is very important to feel as if you already have what you are putting out for. This is along the lines of fake it ’til you make it thinking. When you work with your intentions, have the faith and belief that all this is already yours. Visualize it, experience it in your imagination and really work with the details. Act as if it is all already yours. Hold the energy of what you are doing, so that others cannot cast major doubts on all your good work. Keep this creative energy to yourself and do not share it. When we are manifesting, it is important to hold the energy, so that it may amplify.
Trust that what you want and desire is a match for all that is. This or something better will meet with you in the right time and place. There is no need to panic; it is based on trust. Signaling to the universe that you believe in magic and endless possibilities is fundamentally important. This shows that you are open and willing to receive the abundance. The universe only requires your receptivity.
If you want to be happy, smile more. Act as IF. If you want to shed excess pounds, eat with the belief that you are already your ideal body weight. This will align you with this truth and what you eat will serve you – not sabotage you.
X Factor Step #3 – Be Receptive and Guided
Warning: This process is not for control freaks or the overly anxious. It helps if your personality is flexible and adaptable. Surrender to the flow and allow the events to happen, so they may align you to your intentions. This is the KEY to success with manifesting.
The universe sometimes delivers very strange experiences as the magic unfolds; this is all part of the fun, but it is important not to panic and revert to logical thinking. TRUST that the universe knows the short cut is absolutely KEY.
Try not to worry about timing of events. Divine timing is everything in this situation. Once again, trust that the universe knows what is best for you. Your delivery is on the way, but it may get diverted or delayed at points. The main thing is to trust that the delivery time is going to be in perfect order for you.
X Factor Step #4 – Action
This is not all about sitting back and waiting. A mistake we can make with manifesting is to do all of the above, and then sit back and wait, wait, wait. Once frustration sets in, it is game over, so to speak. As with all things, there needs to be balance. We have already established how powerful we are and that our thought processes can undermine or edify us.
Spotting the moments is the main trick. When we are aligned with the correct receptivity, we must actually respond when the opportunities come along. This will not necessarily land in our laps. We have to also engage with constructive right action at the correct times.
If you want a new job, you obviously have to send out applications. Or do you? I say this, but sometimes you actually do not – the intention is enough if you are powerful enough. However, what helps is showing the universe that you are willing to participate. Even if the job comes in another unusual way, it is also important to express your intention in action. Therefore, apply for the jobs, join the dating web site, plan that dream holiday and put a deposit down. Show that you are willing.
The universe responds to our inspired action – this is not any old action. Take actions that simply echo your intention; then, get out of your own way and expect the result to come magically from elsewhere!
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About the Author
Sarah Delamere Hurding is Ireland’s famous Mystic, Seer, Healer, Life Coach, Writer, Media Personality and Consciousness Facilitator. Ashton Kutcher identified her on The Jimmy Kimmel Show as his psychic. Simon Cowell was stunned into silence when she predicted the full line up of his Irish Pop stars. Louis Walsh, perhaps dangerously, called her “the woman who knows everything.”
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