Astrology Forecast for February 2015

Magical Mystery Tour is the theme song of the month. The Astrology Forecast for February 2015 shows we’re on a strange and wondrous journey of love, compassion and the otherworldly. The ultimate destination? A kinder, gentler relationship with ourselves.
The gatekeeper at both ends of the month is Neptune, bringer of magic and transcendence and operator of the cosmic fog machine. His involvement cloaks much of the month’s developments in a soft, wispy vagueness, at times magical, at times confusing, and generally bypassing rational thinking.
The atmosphere is hardly conducive to completing tax returns. It’s tailor made — heaven sent, actually — for letting heart and spirit guide you.
The channel opens wide as the month begins, when Neptune greets Venus, goddess of all we hold dear. This contact unites the rulers of earthly and divine love, and the effects are dreamy indeed. On common by-product: the sensation of blissful, blessed connectedness, whether that spells romance or not (which it will for some; look for stars dancing in eyes a la Davy Jones and his leading lady of the week on “The Monkees.”)
Some connections spark with the Leo Full Moon on the 3rd, which show how well and far our inner light is shining – and who appreciates its flame. Uranus is beaming sudden, liberating change into the equation, while bountiful Jupiter is pouring on flame accelerant. Emotions and life force will flare, mostly significantly within. Whatever erupts within you and without you primes dramatic developments that will erupt in March, when Jupiter links directly to Uranus.
The middle of the month brings opportunities to face and potentially give in to desires that have a magnetism bordering on unnerving. They are puzzle pieces in the unavoidable, fundamental restructuring we’ve been undergoing for the past three years. Rational thinking has nothing to do with situations so primal. Higher guidance and your heart are more reliable navigational tools (which is, to be honest, the case all month long).
Speaking of thinking, that remains tricky for the first half of the month. Mercury is retrograde until the 11th and does not begin moving noticeably until the 15th. Continue to clear up old business and loose ends. Meet up with any old friends or loves who resurface, a likely result of Venus in Pisces with Mercury retrograde. Even after his about-face, holding to the usual precautions would not be a bad idea. You can review them in Handling a Mercury Retrograde.
The New Moon on the 18th befits the month’s pervasive vagueness and boundary blurring. Technically it occurs at the very last minute of the very last degree of Aquarius, hitting the gas pedal once again on the imperative to express your unique self. It also, however, activates the beginning of Pisces and unleashes that sign’s rawest, most feral and instigating form. Fittingly, this Moon launches the Chinese Year of the gentle, loving, other-oriented Wood Sheep. The combo has the effect of an enormous wave pushing us forward into unpolished emotional sensitivity, awareness of others and communion with forces outside ordinary earth plane existence.
The atmosphere and energy levels heat up drastically when Mars, ruler of our drive, and Venus enter self-starting, impulsive Aries on the 19th and 20th. No matter what the weather is doing, spring is awakening within us and spurring us to break out of any barrier, perceived or real. The 19th through the 23rd promise a hotbed of sudden, exciting and daring moves. Venus and Mars are meeting in the first of three conjunctions for the year. The masculine and feminine are at one; your heart and your will are after the same target, and they will pounce without thinking. Both planets quickly meet with Saturn and his love of order and structure. Budding relationships will burst out of shells full-blown and either lock in place or slam into constraints.
On one sure bet: the eruptions and their immediate aftermath will be breathtaking. As our hearts, energies and newly hatched relationship developments head for solid ground, the Sun meets Neptune (the gatekeeper, remember?) on the 25th. We feel wrapped in gauze, or protection, or love of the highest kind, all the better if directed inward.
That eases the huge structural adjustments that are still in order, and the emotional processing of change that takes us out of the month. The mists are still hanging but beginning to part. We can glimpse where we’re heading. The destination ahead may not be what we thought at the month’s start. Maybe we’re heading where expected but by a different route. Regardless, our engines are stoked with fuel. There’s no sign of stopping.
Learn more in Kathy’s astro-overview for 2015 and her Getting Started guides for each sign.
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About the Astrologer
Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.