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Colette Baron-Reid: The Oracle

Colette Baron-Reid: The Oracle

While recuperating in bed for three months, she had ample opportunity to reflect on the symbolism of this accident. Sitting in bed, she had to face herself, and she admitted that she was very stubborn because she knew that she was being told, “You are given this life/these gifts to give to others. The gift isn’t yours. The gift isn’t for you. The gift is given to you to give away to other people.”

She would pray, “Please show me the Highest good for me and for others” yet would say “I’m going to go over here and do this, so just follow me, but of course Spirit never does.” Opting to surrender, she knew she still didn’t want to do the mediumship, so she was surrendering, sort of, in her own way. She knew she obviously didn’t want to do the thing she thought she wanted; she recognized she is woo woo, and she better get over it. Needless to say, Colette Baron-Reid listened to her heart and Spirit and did an event in Thunder Bay, Ontario where the most profound readings of her entire career came through. She allowed herself to sit on the sidelines, so to speak, and was so profoundly altered by that experience that she knew she needed to turn the proverbial ship around as Spirit assisted her with her true purpose.

Soon after, she was offered a television show. Her message to others is, “Even if you are scared of your destiny, when you allow Spirit, and then you just say, ‘Okay, I have to trust.’ It was obvious with my behavior that I didn’t trust Spirit. I was giving my power to everything, but the truth. We will not have anything that we cannot handle at any given day. If we are in alignment with our Higher power and stick to our trust and our faith, we are going to be led in the right places where synchronicities and miracles open up every door.”

All of us right now are being offered an opportunity to be more authentic as an invitation to help balance out the rest of the world. We can become more empowered wherever we are and add our Light to the sum of all Light in the world, which is exponentially effective. ~ Colette Baron-Reid

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In doing so, she confidently realized that she doesn’t have to be main stream anymore and can let her freak flag fly as high as she wants with pride. Colette Baron-Reid is allowing herself the opportunity to be who she is and is empowering others to do so as well for themselves. Since she is a writer and a teacher, she can take this experience and its strength and hope to others because she knows that there are other people who are afraid to be themselves. She knows there are also people who probably want to scramble to be in a box that they think society is going to accept. In regards to that statement, she says, “It’s not easier in the main stream. It’s not safer there. If we are looking for certainty and safety, we may as well get off the planet.”

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