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Colette Baron-Reid: The Oracle

Colette Baron-Reid: The Oracle

According to Colette Baron-Reid, shooting the television show was probably the most powerful and meaningful experience of her entire life. She conveys, “The first day I was still struggling with the content had to be somehow managed by me. I recognized the tension between my need to stay myself and my willingness to allow the information to come through, and it was very conversational. I don’t do mediumship like the old school mediums.” Through the filming of Messages from Spirit, she observed people’s lives changing in front of her as well as her own. Emphatically stating, Colette Baron-Reid knows “There is no way anyone could ever say to me that we die and that’s it. Do I know exactly where we go? I know there’s a dimension of reality that exists. Love doesn’t die.” Expressing how grateful she was for the opportunity to change people’s lives, she recognized she was being used by Spirit to channel the information from Spirit.

The true destiny for all of us is as yet uncharted. ~ Colette Baron-Reid

Colette Baron-Reid’s forthcoming book, Uncharted, reveals our destiny is unknown to the small self, but it is not unknown to the soul. As humans, we use a language of the intellect to describe our experience, but the language of the heart is the one that lights up that map for us by surrendering our old way without knowing where it is going to lead us. If we can learn to do that, which is so counter intuitive to the way humans want to be because they just want certainty. Sometimes, the next right action is literally following the fog lights and possibly taking the detour we need to take.

If it doesn’t feel comfortable, it’s probably good. ~ Colette Baron-Reid

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A part of the conscious evolution, Colette Baron-Reid’s honesty, authenticity and humility in regards to sharing her personal experiences is truly assisting others on their own journey into consciousness. Continuing to put one foot in front of the other as she states, she is choosing to trust in Spirit to see where her own path will take her. She says, “If I thought that I had to be perfect, I would never tell you any of these stories about how I ran off the road basically because that’s guru BS. That’s not the truth. So meditate, meditate, meditate. Start there. Find a program that you are attracted to that will help you reframe the way you think. Recognize that you have a subconscious that is not your friend. You have to step into the unknown even if you whistle in the dark to say I’m going to trust that either someone’s going to catch me or they are going to teach me how to fly.

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