Colette Baron-Reid: The Oracle
When you get up in the morning, say the prayer, ‘Relieve me of the bondage of the small self that prevents me from trusting that I am here. I am the paintbrush for the great artist. I am the art of the artist, and I, too, can create the art if I am a co-creator.”
Advice from The Oracle: Colette Baron-Reid
• We all need to accept one thing. We are two people in one. We tend to get trapped in our subconscious program, which is something that we have to accept. There is a part of us that will keep us sort of trapped in a pattern. When we recognize the pattern, it is an invitation for us to change perspective. The most important advice I can give to people is get as much information as you can on how to reframe your subconscious program.
• Mindfulness meditation is crucial. Meditate, meditate, meditate and meditate. If you do not meditate, your chatterbox mind is just going to continuously reinforce the subconscious. Accept all parts of yourself with radical self-acceptance.
• The simplest thing I can tell people is trust this is a friendly benevolent universe. It is not here to punish you. You punish you. You create more punishment in the world every time you punish yourself and your body responds.
• Take the game and run with it. You can win at the game of life. You will stumble, so get over it. Where you stumble, there lies treasure.
Connect with Collette Baron-Reid
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Listen to the audio interview with Colette Baron-reid
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About the Author
Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Growth Coach Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. She is the author of 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within and Journey into Consciousness. In addition, Shelly is a featured columnist and the Metaphysics Editor for OMTimes Magazine.

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