Dianne Bischoff James: The Real Brass Ring

The Real Brass Ring: Interview with Dianne Bischoff James
OMTimes: What events in your life led you to write your book, The Real Brass Ring?
Dianne Bischoff James: I gave myself a fun present on my 38th birthday, a reading with internationally known psychic, Sonia Choquette. I had expected her to tell me that I was on track for joy and success because I had been working for nearly twenty years to obtain the American Dream- a big education, lucrative career, long-term marriage, mini-mansion and the latest new gadgets. I was also a diligent helicopter parent with three young children. Instead of singing my praises for leading a fairytale life, during my visit, Sonia called me out on my dirty little secrets and bashed me over the head with them. She claimed that I was an unlit Christmas tree and none of the bulbs were firing. I was chronically depressed, trapped in the wrong career, a loveless marriage, obese and my physical body was breaking down. She instructed me to become an actor, author, teacher and healer. Before she left the session, she delivered a final warning, “If you don’t hurry up and grab at ‘the real brass ring’ it’s going to be too late!”
OMTimes: What do you think readers will gain from reading your book?
Dianne Bischoff James:This book is for anyone who feels stuck, depressed and unfulfilled. It’s for those standing in the middle years who have worked hard in their careers and caring for their families but finally wake up and ask themselves, “Is this really where I ended up… sad, lonesome and empty? By now, I thought I’d have a happy life.” The Real Brass Ring allows readers to know that they are not alone in their midlife struggle and disappointment. It gives them a sense of empowerment to create an existence filled with passion and meaning. It also provides the 14 Shortcuts for Happy Living which are guideposts for consciously retraining your mind so you can take the steps to reboot your life.

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