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Oracle for February 2015 – Attention

Oracle for February 2015 – Attention


by Darity Wesley

Attention: The energies and directions for the month of February are evolving around focusing our attention this entire month. What can that mean? It means that we need to understand that first of all there is much more going on than meets the eye and second of all that we can discern some of these goings on to our advantage if we focus our attention all along the way this month…so do, read on…

We have probably all heard that whatever we put our attention on is where we produce results or what we focus on expands. If we focus on what is working in our lives, we will create more of that and if we focus on what is not working in our lives we get more of that.

It works the same in relationships, if we pay attention to and focus on the complaining, the negative, the judgmental and critical attitudes of others, we get more of that. If we do not step into that mode and just continue on, focusing on our own non-complaining, positive, allowing attitude, it strengthens our balance and equilibrium rather than putting us into a lower vibration. It is about supporting everyone in our lives in feeling successful or positive and they will continue the kind of behavior that promotes those feelings.

These examples are the ways in which to use our attention in our present fourth and fifth dimensional reality. As we look at the fact that busting illusions or at least piercing the veil of them, as much as we can, is our spiritual journey for this year, we can look at “attention.” What do we pay attention to? For now, for the month of February and in this instance, it is about having a laser-like focus on all things with a new interpretation that is far different than we have ever had before. We are talking about a whole new way of working to see through the veil which has been thinning so much over the last 15-20 years, whether we are aware of it or not.

We should know that the veil is very thin for the young ones coming in. So we can focus our attention on the very young ones. The Z and Alpha generations are what they are being called. The Alphas are those being born since 2010. The Z generation are those born from 2000 to 2010. The spirits of these young people are less dense than any of the prior generations. This is part of the evolution of the human being to its next iteration. These young folks will teach us a thing or two if we are open to understanding these children are very, very connected to Spirit and will be the most transformational generations yet.

If we are into busting the illusions that have held us in place for so many years, then we must become like little children. Jesus said this in some of his teachings, and it is exactly what is needed at this time. It is important that we, as lightworkers, also support parents to be as sane as they can be. This will help the children as well as ourselves. It is important for us, this month of February, to focus our attention on seeing through the veil. We may recognize that what we thought or think is real is not necessarily so.

It is also about releasing the “hooks of duality” as Solara ( calls them. The hooks that take our attention off our Divine Essence, our spiritual natures, our growing, evolving consciousness and focus instead on age, disease, family, and society dramas, the media, outer events. None of these truly supports our connection to All That Is. We need to be the witness and understand what is going on, rather than put our ATTENTION on these hooks. They keep us locked into the illusion and we need to see through it. It is important to stay aware and alert about what is going on in the world, and it is just as important to see it all as an illusion.

As always, the Oracle feels it is important that words be defined and even with Attention, it reminds us of the accuracy of our intention as we move along our spiritual path. We should even do it with the word attention, eh?

So, for the sake of understanding. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines “Attention” as “the act or power of carefully thinking about, listening to or watching someone or something.” “Notice, interest or awareness.” This is, indeed, what we are talking about here.

The practice of attention, in the way we are discussing it here for the month of February, does bring the need for carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching someone, something, everything! Why? Because we need to change our lives and our perspectives. Getting through the illusion not only requires our willpower, which we were to have practiced in January, but our laser focus attention to see through the unreality of so much that is in front of us.

Remember, this Oracle is always just a signpost. An opportunity for us to exercise our real, live, true knowing deep in our hearts that there is, indeed, more than this third, fourth, or fifth dimensional reality depending on where we focus our attention.

Now, this month of February, is the time to take up the next challenge in busting through the illusion. We must again make sure we are spending enough of our energies on our spiritual pursuits, rather than on our life situation and the dramas that appear every day. Our spiritual life is so important and will support us in the coming days as we have never imagined.

See Also
Dimension Hopping OMTimes

As with all signposts, this Oracle points us to consider expanding our spiritual consciousness and remembering, always, that love and trust will follow our attention. Focus on exercising our attention, carefully thinking and considering things when confronted with the varied experiences coming to us this month that require us to be strong and stable in who we are now, who we have become. We have to constantly remind ourselves to move into our heart center while focusing our attention on any situation this month.

We need to bring light and clarity to all that is going on with us by focusing our attention, even in the midst of the chaos that appears to be happening in our lives and here on this planet. It will not only convert old energies, but add to and balance our spiritual energies. It will truly ground us further in the bonds of divine love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…all we need is love. It will propel us into more and more into the expansion of our ability to focus upon and beyond the illusion, through the mists!

Let your mantra for the month of February be: I AM breathing in Divine Love as I focus my attention on expanding beyond the illusion and accepting, without judgment, my life, my abilities, and my vulnerabilities.  …And So It Is!!!

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About the Author

Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2015 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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