Say What You Mean to Say with Courage

Say What You Mean to Say – And Say It with Courage
by Shelly Wilson
Personal growth involves having the courage to speak your truth and say what you mean to say. Each individual is having their own unique human life experience. This experience involves the opportunity to communicate clearly without fear of what others will think or how the communication will be perceived. Everything is energy, including our thoughts, words, and actions. Being cognizant of your personal energetic transmission is necessary as well as being familiar with the Universal Law of Attraction.
The throat chakra energy center is your voice and area of communication. In order to healthily maintain this energy center, it’s important to speak your truth, say what you mean to say, and communicate your needs and desires to yourself and others. Working with the color blue will strengthen the throat chakra – wear blue clothing, eat blue foods (blueberries or visualize what you are eating as blue), and work with blue crystals, such as blue lace agate, blue calcite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, and azurite.
In order to manifest and create the reality that you desire, the key is to be clear. Think and say what you mean to say without doubt or the possibility of confusion. Don’t hold back. Honor yourself and express your emotions. Open your heart to love and to be loved. Tell those individuals in your life what they mean to you without assuming they already know. Speak your truth. Sometimes, this truth is met with disapproval or the proverbial wall. Don’t give up or feel like you have to play small simply because it is not someone else’s truth.
Seeing things from the higher soul perspective, you are an expression of Source/ consciousness/God. Individually speaking, you are having this human life experience as you (who you are for this incarnation) to learn, grow, evolve, change, and shift. You are truly creating your reality with the energy you are emitting. The only thing we actually have control of is our thoughts, words, actions, emotions, and reactions. You cannot control an experience or another individual, but you can consciously choose how you wish to perceive and respond to the situation.
In addition, recognizing the power you behold is essential to your personal growth. Playing small and dimming your Light to make others more comfortable is restrictive. By allowing yourself to say what you mean to say and having the courage to do so, affords others the comfort ability to do so as well for themselves.
Allow yourself the opportunity to have the courage to express your beliefs to others and not be afraid of what they might think. Doing so involves faith and fortitude, as well as the confidence to be who you really are with all people and to stand in your power by owning what you believe to be true. It definitely does take courage to be your authentic self and to emanate this power in your words and actions.
There are two ways to view everything – through the eyes of love and through the eyes of fear. Love is a heart-spaced, higher vibrational energy; whereas fear comprises every emotion that is not love, including worry, fear, doubt, regret, guilt, shame, frustration, and so on. Choosing to stay in the heart-space and seeing every individual and experience through the higher vibration of love is essential for the journey into consciousness.
6 Tips to Communicate Clearly and Say What You Mean to Say:
1. Consciously focus your energy in the present moment.
2. Release any fear, worry, or doubt in regards to how the message will be received.
3. Avoid making hints.
4. Avoid having the listener or reader “read between-the-lines.”
5. Open your throat chakra and speak your truth to yourself and to others.
6. Use diplomacy when speaking your truth; the message is more likely to be received in the way it is intended.
Remember that seeing your reflection in those around you lets you have the courage to speak your truth without fear of judgment. Ultimately, everyone desires to love and to be loved. Acknowledge your fellow travelers as you embark on your own adventure called life. Call upon Archangel Michael to assist you with accessing your courage, and choose to journey into consciousness with courage and say what you mean to say.
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About the Author
Intuitive Medium Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity and love, she honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within, and Journey into Consciousness, are available.

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