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Shift Your Perspective: On Transformation

Shift Your Perspective: On Transformation


Transformation is a buzzword used to discuss the change we can expect given a certain product, technique, modality, or way of being or thinking. Change is sought during times of discomfort, frustration, confusion, or anxiety. The desired change may be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

In the sense of physical transformation, it may apply to diet, exercise, or appearance to improve health, lose weight, or be more appealing. In the case of emotions, it may be that we want to let go of painful or toxic emotions such as grief, fear, anxiety, anger, or depression to attain an elevated mood and vibrational frequency.

Mental transformation may take on the work of stopping and challenging negative automatic thoughts about ourselves or the world in order to confidently move forward and to avoid self-sabotage. For spiritual transformation, it means to embody the essence of the divine and to trust the guidance received from the Universe.

Transformation implies a qualitative change, as in the quality of life, and is achieved by way of focused attention and mindfulness. First is to determine what the end result looks like. If there is uncertainty in this regard, the odds of success are diminished. Envision yourself as you want to look, if the desired transformation is physical. If emotional, picture the joy, peace, or whatever type of mood is wanted. Imagine gliding through the day on a wave of positive thoughts. Sense the higher, lighter vibration of connection to Spirit.

In addition, be clear on how the hoped-for transformation affects each level of being, on every plane of existence. Deep, lasting change occurs on every level, so getting clear on how that would manifest allows for a quicker, more complete shift.

Let’s take losing weight, for example. On the surface, it seems to be a physical transformation, yet the other levels of being must also undergo a shift in order for the desired physical change to occur. Many times excess weight is the result of fear and worry, so the extra pounds serve to protect and shield. Addressing this level requires the fear to be eliminated. Now the mental layer. What thoughts go along with weight gain? Not being good enough? Thinking that no amount of effort will take off the weight? Finally, does it seem like no support is available? Connection to the divine brings a sense of partnership and assistance that going it alone doesn’t provide.

The best way to identify the needed transformation and to know if you’re on the right track is to use your four-part inner guidance system that tells you when you are making decisions that are in alignment with your highest good. Start by checking-in with your body’s reactions. When you experience something, does your body tense up or relax? If tense, is it in your shoulders (carrying responsibility for what happened), your chest (having an emotional reaction to what happened), or your stomach (having a fear reaction to what happened)? Do you feel “butterflies” in your chest or stomach? Does that indicate to you a sense of nervousness or excitement? Then check in with your emotions. Think about your options one by one. Do you feel excited, happy, or upset? Check-in mentally. Does your mind go to all of the problems that may arise as a result of a particular choice or does it embrace all of the potential and possibilities that may present themselves? Finally, check-in spiritually. “Ask” Source if this is the right direction or choice. Is it for your highest good? Go with the first impression that comes through. It may be a simple yes or no response. If nothing comes through, ask for a sign. The answer may come later in the day or later in the week, but as long as you pose the question, you will get an answer.

To get clearer about the type of transformation you desire, try this exercise and write down the answers.

~ What does the discomfort/frustration/confusion/anxiety look like? How is it manifesting currently on a daily basis?

~ On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least, what is the current level of discomfort?

~ What is the underlying cause?

~ What is the desired transformation? Be specific.

~ How would it manifest on a daily basis?

~ What is the physical level of the needed transformation?

~ What is the emotional level of the needed transformation?

See Also

~ What is the mental level of the needed transformation?

~ What is the spiritual level of the needed transformation?

Once the nature of the transformation and its components are determined, it is then possible to ascertain the best way to address it.

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About the Author

Diane Wing, M.A. is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio, author of five books, and an experienced guide for those ready to see things differently. When it comes to getting unstuck and feeling great about life, her nine-word philosophy is: Let go. Be grateful. Stay open. See the magick. Find out more at

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