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Tulku Lobsang – The Wisdom Sword

Tulku Lobsang – The Wisdom Sword

In Tsa Lung we work more with the breath and learn to use the body to move the breath. As we grow older our breath becomes more and more shallow, and it no longer reaches deep within the body. Tsa Lung reverses this and revitalizes the breath and energy.

Then there is Tummo, which is the practice of inner fire. Cultivating this special inner heat can completely change our body systems and our mind. This practice is the one I myself practice the most.

JILL MANGINO: How can people learn these Tantrayana pactices?

Tulku Lobsang: With the help of my organization, Nangten Menlang International, I travel all year round teaching, but I am most often in Europe. I come to the US only once a year. I am always offering retreats and workshops in these methods, but I am only one person. Because there has been so much interest, I have created Teacher Certification programs so that my students and whoever is motivated to do so, can also share these practices. This is how we can benefit the most people.

Farrah Garan is my long-time student in the US. She oversees the North American part of Nangten Menlang and organizes all my teachings here. Farrah teaches many of these things and trains teachers, so whoever wants to learn more should contact her.

See Also

JILL MANGINO: I have heard you teach and you spoke a lot about love. How does this connect to these body and mind practices?

Tulku Lobsang: Is this your core teaching? We always look for love outside of ourselves. Either you don’t find it, or if you do find it, it is completely conditional. This love from the outside is destructible. We need indestructible love. Why? Because it is your nature! Love is our true nature. When you look within yourself, the love that you discover is unconditional. But attachment and grasping cause us to always look for happiness outside of ourselves. We are looking to other things and people and situations to give us love. But these things always change; it is all impermanent. We eventually lose these outside conditions and this causes us suffering.

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