Tulku Lobsang – The Wisdom Sword
We need the indestructible love—the love that is our nature. For this, we have to look within. These practices of the body create calmness and stillness in the mind. When we enter the stillness of the mind, we have the opportunity to truly see ourselves and to access our innate wisdom. This is where we find our indestructible love. This love is the ultimate medicine. This love opens our blocks. This love is the solution to all problems and the answer to every question.
www.tulkulobsang.org (Tulku Lobsang’s international website) www.tibetanhealingmovement.com (Farrah Garan’s website)
Photo Credits: Photo Credits: Patricia González, Götz Göppert, Kathrin Jany, Daniel Kaldori, Manuel Peixoto & Yvonne Perdrizat

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