Anna Taylor: The Voice of the Angels
From a young age, Anna Taylor recalls that she wanted to help people. When the other children were running around, she would sit and talk to people who would have conversations with her about their lives. Although in one way she was quite shy, she had the ability to talk to anyone if they wanted to talk to her – an ability that now offers her the opportunity to connect with many people all over world.
After taking Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner® class in 2003 and having many angel experiences of her own, Anna Taylor realized that was how she could help the world. She also recognized how powerful it was to be able to connect with these amazing beings – the angels. She remembered being in the class yet not having an idea that she could actually communicate with the angels. Her own health was transformed in the process. Ultimately, she decided she wasn’t going to waste her time on things that didn’t matter to her. Even though we have a day or life experience that may be challenging, a health issue or financial issue, it’s how we choose to perceive the experience and then respond to it. Anna Taylor says, “It’s about taking responsibility for our lives. It’s not about being in judgment about it or beating ourselves up or saying we are wrong if we have a difficult day. It’s saying, ‘What do I choose in this moment? How do I choose to respond?’ I can choose to call on the inner peace within me. I can choose to call on the angels to help me.”
If we could really have peace with who we are, then everything else would fall into place. ~ Anna Taylor
Sharing advice, Anna states, “The crux of everything I have been delving into recently is self-acceptance and accepting who I am on a really deep level in a way that I almost feel is the reason why I have some of the challenges that I do, and the ways that I have been able to live my life. I know that is the key for me. It’s having that place within me that knows, despite the fact that I am unable to move as quickly as everyone else or that my spine is not as straight as everyone’s or that I’m the smallest person that I know. I can really just own everything that I am. I really feel that when people come to me for sessions that’s really what they are asking, ‘Am I okay as I am? Do the angels really love me? Am I loveable?’ We can all experience that in various forms.” People want to be valued and accepted for who they are, especially in regards to culture, gender, sexual orientation or a physical disability. Sometimes, an individual does need that reassurance from someone else acknowledging that we are perfect how we are, whether it is body image, what our life journey looks like or any challenges faced during this lifetime. Deciding to accept who she is, Anna Taylor conveys, “I’m going to embrace the differences and the things that make me feel sometimes vulnerable and unique. It’s really about showing other people that we are all human and that we are all Divine at the same time. Focusing on our similarities is really where it is at – we all want to be loved; we all want to experience love; we want to be able to feel joyful and accepted; and that we can follow our passions. All of us have the same kinds of needs and wants really.”
Everything that we are experiencing is a reflection of us. ~Anna Taylor
When we are experiencing a challenge, Anna believes it is up to us what we do with that. Many times, it is an opportunity to shift the focus to ourselves and to love ourselves more. Even asking the question, “How can I be of service right now?” will allow us to release the fears in order to come back to the truth that we are all doing the best we can in this human experience we call life. Choosing to view these challenges as opportunities to learn and to grow does assist us in seeing them from a Higher perspective.

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